Monday, July 26, 2010

[x] Tell both of them about the letter.

"Another cup of black tea?"

I nodded weakly. The little devil gave me a small smile as she poured fresh tea into my cup. Despite these horrible events, Koakuma still managed to show me a bit of hospitality. A light, yet somehow elegant breakfast of sandwiches and pastries lay in a tray before me. I took a sip of tea. It was warm.

"Thank you very much," I said. "You really shouldn't have bothered."

"Please don't say that. Your company is always welcome in the Voile Library."

"Are these your instructions from Patchouli?"

"That is correct," she said. Then, she lowered her voice a bit. "B-but even if it wasn't, I wouldn't mind at all sneaking you a cup of tea every now and then..."

"Is that so?"

Koakuma blushed a bit as I watched her. I turned to the side thoughtfully. And then, I sighed.

"There sure are a lot of fairies here. Is that all of them?"

The little devil cleared her throat, clearly relieved for the change in subject.

"Yes, it seems that everyone apart from those with Miss Meiling have arrived here safely."

"That's good to hear."

I took another sip of tea as I watched. The Voile Library was bustling with activity this morning. Sakuya had ordered almost all of the fairy staff to assemble here for safety. The fairies formed a clearing nearby and began to set up a make-shift barricade around it with emptied bookshelves. The books themselves were carefully moved nearby, forming little piles here and there. From afar, the place looked like a small fort built within a forest of bookshelves.

"Patchouli does know about this, right?"

"Don't worry. It was Miss Patchouli herself who suggested that we have everyone stay here. This place is protected by a number of magical defenses."

"And this way, we won't be picked off one by one, either. "

"W-well, that is true..."

A moment of silence passed.

"Where is the magician, anyway? I haven't seen her since I arrived."

"Miss Patchouli said that she needed to research something in the lower library. She said that it was really important."

"I see."

I munched on a sandwich thoughtfully. The maids trained in mansion defense now started patrolling the area. They were granted permission to wield weapons openly, so most of them carried swords or spears. But the most dangerous one among them was nowhere in sight.

"Huh? Where did Sakuya disappear to?"

"She said that she was going to fetch Miss Flandre from the basement."


That made sense. The mansion was far too large to search, and there were countless places where a murderer could hide. Right now, the plan was to get everyone safely inside the library. Once here, we could probably figure a way to drive the culprit out into the open. At least, that was what Sakuya hoped.

From our last conversation, the chief maid told me something odd. Lady Remilia had refused to leave her room. She was still in a bad mood, I guess. Even the chief maid couldn't do much against the selfish little vampire. Especially since the said vampire was also the Mistress of the mansion.


I turned to one of the windows. The rain didn't at all weaken from earlier. A disheartening sight. Then, I glanced at my watch.

It was almost 9:00 AM.
[ ] Head to the basement after Sakuya.
[ ] Visit Remilia's room at the second floor.
[ ] Have Koakuma lead you to the lower library.

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