Saturday, July 24, 2010

[x] The letter.

I slowly stepped forward and took the envelope from the table. At the back was my name, and at the front was the crest of the Scarlet family. There were no other markings. After breaking the wax seal, I pulled out the letter and started reading silently.


Greetings to the Lord of Scarlet,

It has been some time since I have been in your house, so please allow my to reintroduce myself. I am the former chief engineer and chronomancer-architect of the Scarlet Family, (name unreadable). I am very glad to see that the daughters of Scarlet have been raised beautifully, and I hope to be employed in your service once more.

Please accept these gifts of good will and sincerity:
(name unreadable)
Luna Child
Sunny Milk
Star Sapphire

Blood to satiate the heart, and Chill to calm the soul. They have all been prepared according the Master's tastes. I pray that you enjoy these simple offerings while I prepare for the second half of this wonderful harvest.

Please wait warmly until it is ready.

- The Watchmaker


I turned to the bodies and carefully raised the sheets. My fears were confirmed. These were none other than the three mischievous fairies. But their eyes were no longer filled with childlike cheer. Instead, their faces were frozen with expressions of horror. And as I examined them closer, I saw that each of them bore a deep wound in the chest, as if they were struck with a large spear.

"Strange, isn't it?"

Sakuya appeared beside me. As usual, she remained calm and collected. But even I could sense something different this time.

"In the strictest sense, fairies cannot be killed. The concept of 'death' does not exist for these beings. Yet these three have clearly been killed. Their wounds show know sign of healing, and their bodies are clearly not resurrecting at all."

"... what could have done this?"


Sakuya turned around and called to Meiling.

"They will get cold if they stay out in the rain."

The gate guard nodded solemnly.

"Leave them to me," she whispered. "Miss Rumia, too."

The chief maid assigned five other fairies to assist. Together, Meiling's group began their grim work. To the rest, she began detailing new instructions for the mansion's security. They all listened closely and attentively. There was no laughter or cheer among any of the staff.

Sakuya then turned to me. She did not say it out loud, but somehow... I knew.

But still...
[ ] For now, keep silent and think.
[ ] Tell Sakuya about the letter.
[ ] Tell Meiling about the letter.
[ ] Tell both of them about the letter.

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