Friday, July 30, 2010

[x] Blast the lock open with the rifle.

The vampire was definitely in this room. I could feel it. Yet, something was wrong. After knocking and calling out several times, she had still not answered. In fact, I hadn't heard a single sound come from within her room.

"Remilia!" I cried. "If you're in there, step away from the door! I'm really sorry about this. Looks like I'm gonna have to blast it open."

I waited for a few moments, but still no reply. Then, I took a few steps back, raised the rifle and aimed it carefully at the door handle. The sound of the shot rang loudly along the hallway. But when I lowered the gun, there was no sign of damage. The handle didn't even look like it was dusty.

"What the -"

Did I miss? No, that was impossible! Not from this range, at least. I raised the rifle again and fired at the handle once more. My eyes caught sight of something flicker momentarily, but there was still no damage on the lock. Then, I tried aiming the rifle at the door hinges instead. Three more shots echoed loudly. Still no visible damage on the door, but I noticed something. There was a faint red flash of light each time I shot the door. And after every shot, it grew more and more noticeable.

"A magic barrier? How odd. Heh. Not like that can stop me for long..."

The barrier seemed powerful, but I could tell that the rifle rounds were damaging it. All I had to do was keep firing until the magic was broken. Then, I could easily blast open the lock. These were no ordinary bullets I carried. They were especially made to combat youkai, demons and other magical beings. I began to reload the rifle. Then, I raised it toward the door and fired.

Or so I had planned. I blinked in surprise. Someone was standing in the path of my rifle. I barely stopped my finger from pulling the trigger.

"Huh? Sakuya?"

The chief maid stared coldly at me as she stood in front of Remilia's room.

"What are you doing here? Explain yourself."

"I need to talk to Remilia. She's in there, isn't she?"

"And what is that weapon for?"

"She isn't answering the door at all! It's an emergency, so I just -"


My eyes widened in shock. I felt a slight sting upon my cheek. And when I turned to Sakuya, she was shaking in anger.

"How dare you!" she cried. "Raising a dangerous thing like that toward the Mistress! And after all that she has done for you!"

"W-wait! It isn't like tha... urk!"

She grabbed the collar of my shirt and glared at me with pure hatred.

"Out of my sight," whispered Sakuya.

The chief maid push me back with such force that I tripped over the books that were piled upon the ground. I took a few moments to stand myself back up. Wait a minute. Books? I paused for a moment and blinked. Sakuya was nowhere in sight, and I was standing somewhere in the Voile Library. I see. She must have sent me back here with her ability. Not that I wanted to, of course. But I guess this was more preferable than the dungeon.

I took a moment to examine myself. No injuries, and it didn't look like I dropped anything. And to my left, I saw Flandre seated by a tea table. Looked like she was enjoying some biscuits while conversing with Koakuma. Huh? Did the little sister even know what was going on?

Seemed like they haven't noticed me yet. Hmm...
[ ] Approach Flandre and Koakuma.
[ ] Find Patchouli at the lower library.
[ ] Quietly sneak out and find Meiling.

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