Wednesday, July 7, 2010

[x] Play a physical game.

"Ahahaha! What fun! I never thought that both of you would get this far, ehehe~"

"Hey Meiling! You still alive back there?"

"Barely. That last round almost ended it for me."

Sweat dripped down my face, but I couldn't wipe it off. I had to hold my position just like everyone else, or it would be my loss. And I could only imagine what horrible punishment Flandre had planned for the loser of this exercise.

"Still working together? Now, isn't that cute?"

The cunning vampire still held the best position among us three. She had expected our attack, and she countered it easily with her own brilliant moves.

"But you know," she said. "There is an easier way to end this game. After all, the only thing you need to do is make sure that someone else loses first."

I knew what she was going to say next. But that didn't make it sound any less cruel.

"And that person doesn't necessarily have to be me, ehehe~"

Meiling glanced at me fearfully. I was in the best place to sabotage the gate guard's position this turn. If I did, then this game would be over and I would be free from Flandre's grasp. But only if I surrendered my best friend into her hands.

"A choice between saving myself or my friend? You really are a crafty one, Flandre."

"I thought that it would make for a more interesting game~"

The little sister laughed cheerfully at our predicament. I bit my lip angrily. This was no game. I understood that from the start. This was complete torture, where each player tormented the others. But I had accepted her challenge for a reason.

"You underestimate me," I said. "Did you really think I would compromise? Like hell I would! I already declared my stand at the start of this game!"

I raised my voice and glared at the vampire girl with righteous fury.

"Flandre Scarlet shall be the one who loses this game!"

The little sister smirked with great amusement.

"Do you still believe that possible, human? You are more foolish than I thought! But no matter. I'll crush that resolve of yours into pieces. Again and again, if I have to."

Flandre then turned to the fairy maid, who she had recruited as our referee.

"You there! Spin it again!"

The fairy maid nodded obediently as she knelt down and spun the device. All of our eyes were on it as it slowed down. I watched carefully, but I knew that I had to start moving before the referee spoke.

[ ] Right foot, blue
[ ] Right hand, red
[ ] Left foot, green
[ ] Left hand, yellow

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