Saturday, July 17, 2010

[x] Have Elena lead you to the scene.

"Your orders?" said the fairy maid.

I holstered the rifle and gave her a grim smile.

"I order you to escort me to the scene."

Elena nodded and led me out into the hallway. I closed and locked the door behind us. She paused for a moment and began chanting a spell under her breath. A large poleaxe appeared in her hands shortly afterward. Just looking at it made me feel uneasy. She rarely brought out her weapon of choice. The situation must be serious.

"Follow me, Master."

We jogged through the halls and went down to the first floor. The mansion was deserted. We didn't meet anyone else as we moved. The fairy maid continued without stopping, leading me outside of the mansion. The gardens were just as empty. At least, at first glance. Standing in front of the greenhouse was the gate guard. She looked troubled, and she didn't notice us approach until we were close.

"Eh? A-ah! W-what are you doing here?" she stammered.

"I heard a scream," I said.

"B-but you aren't supposed to be here! Sakuya will get mad..."

"Tell me what happened."

She lowered her head slightly. Her voice was but a whisper when she spoke.

"It's better if you see it yourself," she said.

I turned to Elena and gave her a little nod.

"I shall wait here, Master."

Then, I headed inside. The door was unlocked, and the place was eerily silent. As I stepped deeper into the greenhouse, I pulled the rifle out and held it in my hands. There was no sign of immediate danger, but I didn't plan on taking chances. Like the mansion, the greenhouse was much larger than it seemed from the outside. In all directions were a countless number of strange plants and flowers. Some of them seemed to be from the Forest of Magic, so I carefully stayed away. Why did Remilia collect such dangerous things in her house anyway?

I stuck to the main path, glancing around for anything unusual. And at the very center of the place, beside one of the fountains, I discovered a gruesome scene. The body was small, like a child's. It lay on the ground face up, with its arms outstretched. It wore a black vest and skirt with a white blouse. I recognized the short blonde hair. This was definitely Rumia. I hurried closer to see her face. Or what was left of it, anyway.

"What the -"

A silver candlestick was brutally pierced through her left eye. Blood dripped out of the wound, staining her clothes and the ground with bright red. And on the undamaged part of her face was an expression of mild surprise. If I were to hazard a guess, she must have been attacked and killed almost instantly.

I lost track of time as I stood there. My hands were shaking in anger. Rumia wasn't one of the residents, but I had befriended her a while back. She was a youkai girl who was difficult to understand, but she had saved my life once before. And now, she lay lifeless in the middle of the greenhouse.


"Master! Master!"

Elena hurried toward me, still carrying her weapon. I could see a hint of panic in her face.

"What now?"

She paused to catch her breath. Her voice was shaky when she spoke.

"T-there are visitors at the front gate," she said. "Miss Meiling headed there to meet them."

"Someone at the gate?"

What horrible timing.
[ ] Stay here and investigate.
[ ] Return back to the mansion.
[ ] Go with Meiling to the front gate.

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