Sunday, July 11, 2010

[x] The East Wing. Sakuya wanted to talk privately.

Sakuya stood in front of a large painting. Upon it was a young man seated on a workshop bench. He frowned slightly as he examined a large schematic layed out before the table in front of him. The floor was littered carelessly with drafts and notes. One side of his chest was completely see-through, and instead of human organs, the insides were completely made up of clockwork machinery. Then, I realized something unusual.

The chief maid was distracted. She didn't say anything or turn around as I approached. I smiled. This was my chance! I sneaked up to her very slowly. One step. Then, two. A few more for good measure, and I was right behind her. It took all my willpower to stay silent.


She still didn't react to my presence. Excellent. I raised both of my arms and prepared to grab her by the shoulders and surprise her. Then, an even more brilliant (?) idea came to mind. Why should I settle for just that? If I gave her a big hug from behind, wouldn't she be even more shocked? Sure, she might possibly cause me an undetermined amount of bodily harm. But this was a rare opportunity to see a flustered expression on the chief maid's face! Just the thought of it alone made me shiver in delight. Thus, I took one last step closer and prepared to hold her in my arms.

"Don't even think about it."

I blinked stupidly. Sakuya didn't turn around, but there was something different. Now what was it? I felt like I was suddenly presented with one of those "Spot the Difference" puzzles. Hmm. She was still looking at the painting, and nothing changed from her dress or posture. Was it a hair accessory? A new pair of thigh-high stockings? Or did her chest seem a bit different today? I stared for a whole minute, but I couldn't see anything that -

"Oh, right."

There was a knife in her hand. Several knives, to be more accurate. Hmm. I wonder how I didn't notice that at first glance. I laughed uneasily.

"Heh, I was just kidding, Sakuya! It was just a little joke! You know, a joke? Ha ha ha..."


The chief maid sighed loudly. I blinked again. Her hands were now empty, and the knives had vanished.

"Do you know the person in this painting?"

"Eh? Should I?"

I took a closer look at the painting. Now that she mentioned it, that face did seem familiar. But I couldn't place the name.

"Who is he supposed to be?" I asked.


Sakuya paused for a while before answering.

"When he arrived, no one knew who he was, or where he came from. But he was said to be a genius and a madman, born far before his time. He created great marvels of engineering and magic, including the clock tower on the roof. I sometimes happen upon his notes on clockwork or chronomancy as I perform my cleaning duties."

"Interesting. But why haven't I met him?"

"He left without a word after the clock tower was completed. Or at least, that's what Lady Remilia was told. It seemed that this all happened before the Mistress was born."



Sakuya seemed deep in thought. I didn't know what to say next, so I just stayed silent. A moment of silence passed. Then, the chief made turned around.

"Lady Remilia will not be joining for dinner," she said.

"Not joining?"

"She seems to be in a dark mood tonight, and she refuses to see anyone."

"I see."

Well, it wasn't like this never happened before. This happened every once in a while. The vampire probably woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Or perhaps she stretched her wings badly? In any case, it was an unsaid rule in the mansion not to ask.

"Where shall you be having dinner tonight? I'll have it prepared and taken to a location of your choice."

[ ] Dining Room.
[ ] Voile Library.
[ ] Staff Room.
[ ] Basement.
[ ] Garden.
[ ] My Room.

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