Saturday, July 31, 2010

[x] Find Patchouli at the lower library.

After passing countless rows of bookshelves, I finally arrived at a large staircase leading deep underground. I glanced over the side and saw that there were a number of floors. Koakuma said that Patchouli was somewhere down in the lower library, but she never mentioned where exactly the magician was. Maybe I should have asked her to come with me.

"Research, eh?"

Well, I had already come this far. I should see if I could find her, at the very least. I shrugged to myself as I started walking down the staircase. My footsteps echoed loudly as I headed down. I paused for a moment at each floor, observing if there was anything odd about the books and shelves there. But for the most part, I didn't notice anything apart from the fact that even here, the books are kept in pristine condition.

I lost count of the number of floors I passed. While I didn't search anywhere too deep when I checked, I felt like there wasn't any visible sign that Patchouli had been in those floors. So I just continued heading down the stairs until I finally reached the very bottom level. Even then, I still didn't really understand what kind of clue I was looking for.


Like the rest of the library, this place was also filled with shelves and books. But something else caught my attention. And at the very end of the path, I could see a large chamber door. It stood out for some reason, almost as if it wasn't really part of the library.


Suddenly, the ground around me started glowing an eerie green. A strange circle of symbols and runes formed on the floor I stood on. And before I could react, several vines shot out from the ground and wrapped tightly around my arms and legs.

"Eh? W-what the hell!?"

I tried to struggle, but it was no use. The thick tendrils knocked away my weapon, and they were steadily tightening around my limbs. I was completely immobilized. And as I watched, one of them coiled around my neck and started to choke me.

"Gaahuurk! Guh! Urk!"

Then, I saw a familiar face float from behind one of the bookshelves. 'Help me', I mouthed. When she saw me, the purple haired magician dropped her book and gasped in horror. Immediately, she started chanting a command spell. A flash of green light filled the place. And when it died down, the vines and tendrils had vanished. I took a moment to catch my breath.

"T-thanks, Patchouli!"

"Haa... I'm... sorry... haa... didn't... expect... you... haa..."

Patchouli was breathing heavily, and her legs were shaking. Forgetting about my own injuries for a moment, I ran up and barely caught her as she started to fall.

"That's enough. Don't speak."

The magician girl smiled weakly at me, whispering a silent 'Thank you' as she closed her eyes and rested against my chest. I quickly carried her to a nearby reading chair and waited patiently for her to recover. Slowly, her breathing started to normalize.

Koakuma had mentioned before that Patchouli's condition had been steadily getting worse these past few days. This weather made it difficult for her to move around. Yet she continued her research alone at the bottom level of the library.


And she had set elemental traps around the area, as if she was expecting to be attacked...
[ ] Leave her here and return to the others.
[ ] Accompany her around the lower library.
[ ] Insist that she come with you back upstairs.

[ ] Ask her a question. (Specify)

Friday, July 30, 2010

[x] Blast the lock open with the rifle.

The vampire was definitely in this room. I could feel it. Yet, something was wrong. After knocking and calling out several times, she had still not answered. In fact, I hadn't heard a single sound come from within her room.

"Remilia!" I cried. "If you're in there, step away from the door! I'm really sorry about this. Looks like I'm gonna have to blast it open."

I waited for a few moments, but still no reply. Then, I took a few steps back, raised the rifle and aimed it carefully at the door handle. The sound of the shot rang loudly along the hallway. But when I lowered the gun, there was no sign of damage. The handle didn't even look like it was dusty.

"What the -"

Did I miss? No, that was impossible! Not from this range, at least. I raised the rifle again and fired at the handle once more. My eyes caught sight of something flicker momentarily, but there was still no damage on the lock. Then, I tried aiming the rifle at the door hinges instead. Three more shots echoed loudly. Still no visible damage on the door, but I noticed something. There was a faint red flash of light each time I shot the door. And after every shot, it grew more and more noticeable.

"A magic barrier? How odd. Heh. Not like that can stop me for long..."

The barrier seemed powerful, but I could tell that the rifle rounds were damaging it. All I had to do was keep firing until the magic was broken. Then, I could easily blast open the lock. These were no ordinary bullets I carried. They were especially made to combat youkai, demons and other magical beings. I began to reload the rifle. Then, I raised it toward the door and fired.

Or so I had planned. I blinked in surprise. Someone was standing in the path of my rifle. I barely stopped my finger from pulling the trigger.

"Huh? Sakuya?"

The chief maid stared coldly at me as she stood in front of Remilia's room.

"What are you doing here? Explain yourself."

"I need to talk to Remilia. She's in there, isn't she?"

"And what is that weapon for?"

"She isn't answering the door at all! It's an emergency, so I just -"


My eyes widened in shock. I felt a slight sting upon my cheek. And when I turned to Sakuya, she was shaking in anger.

"How dare you!" she cried. "Raising a dangerous thing like that toward the Mistress! And after all that she has done for you!"

"W-wait! It isn't like tha... urk!"

She grabbed the collar of my shirt and glared at me with pure hatred.

"Out of my sight," whispered Sakuya.

The chief maid push me back with such force that I tripped over the books that were piled upon the ground. I took a few moments to stand myself back up. Wait a minute. Books? I paused for a moment and blinked. Sakuya was nowhere in sight, and I was standing somewhere in the Voile Library. I see. She must have sent me back here with her ability. Not that I wanted to, of course. But I guess this was more preferable than the dungeon.

I took a moment to examine myself. No injuries, and it didn't look like I dropped anything. And to my left, I saw Flandre seated by a tea table. Looked like she was enjoying some biscuits while conversing with Koakuma. Huh? Did the little sister even know what was going on?

Seemed like they haven't noticed me yet. Hmm...
[ ] Approach Flandre and Koakuma.
[ ] Find Patchouli at the lower library.
[ ] Quietly sneak out and find Meiling.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

[x] Visit Remilia's room at the second floor.

"Wait! W-Where are you going?"

I had almost made it out of the Voile Library when someone called out my name. 'How inconvenient,' I thought. While I wasn't really trying to sneak out, I didn't want to complicate things unnecessarily. I turned around to see a familiar blonde haired fairy maid standing with her hands clasped together. She hastily cleared her throat when our eyes met.

"I mean, where are you going, Master?"

"Where am I going?" I repeated. "Interesting question. Perhaps I should ask you, instead: where should I be going?"


We stared at each other in silence for a moment. Elena lowered her head first.

"Forgive me, Master," said the fairy maid. "But I believe you should stay here in the library, where you will be safe."

"The library? Hmm. You may be right in saying that this is the safest place in the mansion right now. I can't really argue against that."

"So you'll stay here?"

I shook my head and smiled at her gently.

"I order you to stay in the Voile Library and protect the other residents until I return."

And with that, I closed the doors behind me and stepped into the hallway alone. I unholstered my rifle and held it ready in my arms. There was no clue to how powerful the murderer was, or what kind of magic techniques he could use. But even then, I moved on. This person killed my friend and three other innocents. I couldn't just sit down and wait until someone from the mansion was discovered to be the next victim. Just thinking about it made me shudder. No. This must end here.

I reached the staircase to the second floor without incident. The hallways were abandoned, but they remained well-lit. At least, the basic utility magic around the mansion was still intact. The thought of wandering around this place in the dark with just a torch or candle gave me the shivers.

Before long, I found myself standing before the door to Remilia's room. While I was certainly enraged at these murders, I wasn't enough of a fool to believe that I could fight back alone. If there was someone who could take back control in a situation like this, it was that vampire girl.

I knocked on the door softly. No answer. Then, I started knocking hard while calling out Remilia's name. Still no answer. I tried the handle, but the door was locked. That was strange. Was she ignoring me?


A chill ran down my spine. I couldn't understand why, but I felt absolutely certain that Remilia was in this room. And she wasn't answering.
[ ] Bang loudly on the door.
[ ] Try to kick the door open.
[ ] Carefully set the door on fire.
[ ] Blast the lock open with the rifle.

Monday, July 26, 2010

[x] Tell both of them about the letter.

"Another cup of black tea?"

I nodded weakly. The little devil gave me a small smile as she poured fresh tea into my cup. Despite these horrible events, Koakuma still managed to show me a bit of hospitality. A light, yet somehow elegant breakfast of sandwiches and pastries lay in a tray before me. I took a sip of tea. It was warm.

"Thank you very much," I said. "You really shouldn't have bothered."

"Please don't say that. Your company is always welcome in the Voile Library."

"Are these your instructions from Patchouli?"

"That is correct," she said. Then, she lowered her voice a bit. "B-but even if it wasn't, I wouldn't mind at all sneaking you a cup of tea every now and then..."

"Is that so?"

Koakuma blushed a bit as I watched her. I turned to the side thoughtfully. And then, I sighed.

"There sure are a lot of fairies here. Is that all of them?"

The little devil cleared her throat, clearly relieved for the change in subject.

"Yes, it seems that everyone apart from those with Miss Meiling have arrived here safely."

"That's good to hear."

I took another sip of tea as I watched. The Voile Library was bustling with activity this morning. Sakuya had ordered almost all of the fairy staff to assemble here for safety. The fairies formed a clearing nearby and began to set up a make-shift barricade around it with emptied bookshelves. The books themselves were carefully moved nearby, forming little piles here and there. From afar, the place looked like a small fort built within a forest of bookshelves.

"Patchouli does know about this, right?"

"Don't worry. It was Miss Patchouli herself who suggested that we have everyone stay here. This place is protected by a number of magical defenses."

"And this way, we won't be picked off one by one, either. "

"W-well, that is true..."

A moment of silence passed.

"Where is the magician, anyway? I haven't seen her since I arrived."

"Miss Patchouli said that she needed to research something in the lower library. She said that it was really important."

"I see."

I munched on a sandwich thoughtfully. The maids trained in mansion defense now started patrolling the area. They were granted permission to wield weapons openly, so most of them carried swords or spears. But the most dangerous one among them was nowhere in sight.

"Huh? Where did Sakuya disappear to?"

"She said that she was going to fetch Miss Flandre from the basement."


That made sense. The mansion was far too large to search, and there were countless places where a murderer could hide. Right now, the plan was to get everyone safely inside the library. Once here, we could probably figure a way to drive the culprit out into the open. At least, that was what Sakuya hoped.

From our last conversation, the chief maid told me something odd. Lady Remilia had refused to leave her room. She was still in a bad mood, I guess. Even the chief maid couldn't do much against the selfish little vampire. Especially since the said vampire was also the Mistress of the mansion.


I turned to one of the windows. The rain didn't at all weaken from earlier. A disheartening sight. Then, I glanced at my watch.

It was almost 9:00 AM.
[ ] Head to the basement after Sakuya.
[ ] Visit Remilia's room at the second floor.
[ ] Have Koakuma lead you to the lower library.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

[x] The letter.

I slowly stepped forward and took the envelope from the table. At the back was my name, and at the front was the crest of the Scarlet family. There were no other markings. After breaking the wax seal, I pulled out the letter and started reading silently.


Greetings to the Lord of Scarlet,

It has been some time since I have been in your house, so please allow my to reintroduce myself. I am the former chief engineer and chronomancer-architect of the Scarlet Family, (name unreadable). I am very glad to see that the daughters of Scarlet have been raised beautifully, and I hope to be employed in your service once more.

Please accept these gifts of good will and sincerity:
(name unreadable)
Luna Child
Sunny Milk
Star Sapphire

Blood to satiate the heart, and Chill to calm the soul. They have all been prepared according the Master's tastes. I pray that you enjoy these simple offerings while I prepare for the second half of this wonderful harvest.

Please wait warmly until it is ready.

- The Watchmaker


I turned to the bodies and carefully raised the sheets. My fears were confirmed. These were none other than the three mischievous fairies. But their eyes were no longer filled with childlike cheer. Instead, their faces were frozen with expressions of horror. And as I examined them closer, I saw that each of them bore a deep wound in the chest, as if they were struck with a large spear.

"Strange, isn't it?"

Sakuya appeared beside me. As usual, she remained calm and collected. But even I could sense something different this time.

"In the strictest sense, fairies cannot be killed. The concept of 'death' does not exist for these beings. Yet these three have clearly been killed. Their wounds show know sign of healing, and their bodies are clearly not resurrecting at all."

"... what could have done this?"


Sakuya turned around and called to Meiling.

"They will get cold if they stay out in the rain."

The gate guard nodded solemnly.

"Leave them to me," she whispered. "Miss Rumia, too."

The chief maid assigned five other fairies to assist. Together, Meiling's group began their grim work. To the rest, she began detailing new instructions for the mansion's security. They all listened closely and attentively. There was no laughter or cheer among any of the staff.

Sakuya then turned to me. She did not say it out loud, but somehow... I knew.

But still...
[ ] For now, keep silent and think.
[ ] Tell Sakuya about the letter.
[ ] Tell Meiling about the letter.
[ ] Tell both of them about the letter.

Friday, July 23, 2010

[x] Politely ask if you can visit the prisoner.

I holstered my rifle and stepped out into the open. There was no reason to sneak around like a thief in my own house.

"Hello there," I said, smiling. "How are you two doing down here?"

As soon as the fairy maid guards saw me, they both bowed politely.

"Good morning, sir," they said in unison.

"And good morning it is, apart from the rain."

I smiled at the two as I walked toward the dungeon entrance. The one on the left blushed a bit and looked away shyly. 'How cute,' I thought. And I had almost made it through when the one on the right suddenly raised her arms and blocked my path.

"W-wait!" she stammered. "We can't let you pass through here!"

"Ah! That's right!" cried the other one.

Damn. Almost made it, too. I somehow kept smiling as I spoke.

"And why is that, exactly? Could you tell me?"

"T-These are special orders from Miss Sakuya."

"We can't let anyone but the chief maid pass!"

Hmm. Sakuya must have anticipated this move. And if that was the case, then perhaps I should use a different method to 'convince' these two to cooperate. I smiled a bit wider as I took a step closer. Both of them took a step back. Did they sense my dark intentions? Well, that wouldn't be a problem. They were already within my reach now. All I had to do was...

"Emergency! Emergency!"

Footsteps came from the staircase. We turned to see a third fairy maid hurrying toward us. I clicked my tongue in irritation.


The newcomer called out to us.

"Miss Sakuya needs all of the guards outside! It's an emergency!"

Then, she turned to me.

"She wants you to come too, sir!"


Ten minutes later, I found myself standing outside. One of the fairy maids handed me an umbrella. I took it and slowly walked toward the gardens. To the left was the entirety of the fairy maid defense force. I could see Elena standing among the them. And to my right, I saw Meiling and Sakuya. They stood in the rain beside a tea table set. The chairs were covered with sheets so they wouldn't get wet.


No, that wasn't right. There were three chairs around the table. Each of them was covered by a sheet, but it was clear that none of the chairs were empty. I swallowed nervously as I realized that the there were blood-stains coming through the damp sheets. Even without a word, I understood.There had found three new victims.

"Oh no... huh?"

There was something else this time. Upon the tea table was a letter sealed with the crest of the Scarlet family. I understood immediately then, why Sakuya had called.

The letter was addressed to me.

What should I investigate first?
[ ] The letter.
[ ] The bodies.
[ ] The grounds.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

[x] Ask her about the dungeon. Maybe she can lead you to Mystia.

Meiling gave us both a polite bow.

"I am very sorry, but I can't go with you two right now."

"Eh? But why not?" asked Flandre.

"I... umm... I haven't finished my morning patrol yet. Sakuya will be furious if intruders break into the grounds one after another."

The little sister stared at her curiously. For a moment, I thought that she had noticed something wrong. I sighed in relief when she finally turned away and waved her hand dismissively.

"Patrols are boring," said the little sister. "But call me if you find something cute. I'll come right away~"

"A-Ah, of course!"

We all headed back to the mansion, with the exception of Meiling. Not that surprising, since she was the gate guard. But I sensed that there was a more pressing reason this time. She probably wanted to investigate the area for clues. I just prayed that she won't end up like Rumia.

I paused by the front door for a moment and turned to the sky. The morning sun was hidden by a thick layer of grey clouds. And as I watched, rain drops began to fall. A truly depressing atmosphere.

Remilia hated rainy days. In this kind of weather, she would often stamp around the mansion and complain loudly at anyone who would listen. Even Patchouli would pretend to be feeling sick to avoid the vampire when she was in such a mood.


"You seem distracted," said Flandre suddenly. "Still feel like visiting the dungeon? Sakuya won't like it, you know? Not at all, she won't~"

"Sorry for the trouble. I just need to talk to Mystia."

"Ah, the night sparrow girl? What would she be doing all the way here, I wonder~"

"That's what I want to find out."

"Is that so? How boring."

Flandre suddenly stopped. Then, she pointed toward a dimly lit staircase that led downward. It was partially hidden in an alcove, so I almost missed it.

"That leads to the dungeon. Head down inside at your own risk, ehehe~"

"Hmm? Aren't you coming?"

The little sister walked up to me and patted me on the head like a puppy.

"Seems boring," she said. "Everyone knows that caged birds don't sing."

After ruffling my hair, Flandre flew off, humming happily to herself. I watched until she was completely out of sight. Then, I turned to Elena. The fairy maid nodded immediately.

"I shall be in the staff room if you need me."

"Got it. Thanks."

She, too, headed back. I was now alone, and free to act. There was no time to waste.


Several minutes later, I found myself at the bottom of the staircase, deep underground. I paused to examine my rifle, making sure that it was loaded. Then, I stepped forward to observe my first obstacle.

Nearby, I could see two fairy maids standing guard at the dungeon entrance. They did not carry any weapons. But I knew instinctively that they were dangerous.
[ ] Politely ask if you can visit the prisoner.
[ ] Shoot out the lights and run inside.
[ ] Quietly sneak past the guards.
[ ] Search for another way in.
[ ] Retreat upstairs for now.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

[x] "You should leave this place."


Those tears didn't fit a pretty girl like her, but the thought of her lifeless body covered in blood stains was far worse. I couldn't let Mystia get involved in this mess. It broke my heart to do this, but I slowly pushed her away and gave her a sad smile.

"You should leave this place. This isn't the best time to visit.."

"B-But Rumia is still~"

"She's fine," I said, well aware of the lie. "I'm sure that she just got lost or distracted on the way here. The girl's probably wandering around in the Forest in search of something to eat."


Mystia looked up at me with damp eyes, pleading silently one last time. I averted my eyes and said nothing. A few moments passed. She lowered her head. The atmosphere became unusually heavy.

The situation at the Scarlet Devil Mansion was very dangerous. Rumia wasn't strong compared to the residents, but she definitely wasn't a pushover when it came to a serious fight. The murderer must have been quite powerful to take her down easily. And that person may very well be walking around the mansion right now.

If that was the case, then the best course of action would be to discourage visitors until the culprit was found. I smiled apologetically as I spoke.

"Why don't you head back? For all we know, she might already be waiting for you back at the stand and -"

"...lies," whispered the sparrow girl.

Mystia raised her head and glared at me. There was a fiery rage burning within her eyes that I had never seen before. I took a step back nervously. At that very moment, I recalled that this girl wasn't human. She was a powerful sparrow youkai.

"Err... Mystia? What are you... urk!"

Before I could react, she grabbed my neck with one hand and instantly cut off the air to my lungs. Then, she raised me above the ground like a doll with its strings cut. Someone gasped in horror. I couldn't tell if it was Elena or Meiling.

"This night bird shall be fooled by sweet words no longer~"

"Gaaaah! Uuuuggghhh! Aaahhggkkk!"

"Humans shrouded in the shadows! Tear at the darkness to reveal the light~"

I opened my eyes to gaze at my attacker. And for a brief moment, I realized that there were tears in Mystia's eyes. I knew then that she didn't want to do this. She didn't want to hurt me. But why? What was she trying to do? What was she trying to tell me? More questions spun in my head, but the lack of oxygen was too much. My world was starting to turn dark.

Was I going to die here, not knowing anything?

Suddenly, Mystia's eyes widened in surprise. Her grip on my neck loosened, and I dropped to the ground. I soon realized the reason. It was for just a split-second, but I saw a familiar person appear in front of her and ruthlessly strike her stomach with an elbow. Then, the sparrow girl lost consciousness and fell.

I blinked.

The chief maid now stood in front of us, a fairy maid standing on each side. She gazed at Mystia with cold eyes.

"Take her to the dungeon," said Sakuya.

The two fairies nodded obediently and carried the sparrow girl away. I opened my mouth to argue, but then the chief maid suddenly glared at me. Even without words, I could sense her ill will. No, that wasn't it. It was something closer to killing intent. I felt like I was staring at an endlessly empty void within her eyes. A chill ran down my spine.

"A-are you alright?"

Meiling's voice brought me back the present. I gave her a quiet nod before turning back to Sakuya.

"Reckless fool..."

With those last words, she took out her pocket watch and glanced at it. Then, the chief maid vanished, leaving only the three of us near the main gate. I paused to think. Or at least, I had planned to. I put my face upon my palm as the most dangerous of troublemakers entered the stage.

"It was noisy, so I came up to see if there's a party out here, ehehe~"

Flandre Scarlet landed lightly beside us. She smiled at us with good cheer, blissfully unaware of any danger.
[ ] Distract her with a game. Take her to the library.
[ ] Tell her about Rumia's murder. She might help investigate.
[ ] Ask her about the dungeon. Maybe she can lead you to Mystia.
[ ] Return to the mansion without answering. I don't have time for Flandre.

Monday, July 19, 2010

[x] Head to the front gate.

There was a loud commotion coming from the main gate. A surprisingly musical one, at that. A stranger passing through might have thought that a strange concert was being held here. Songs with seemingly meaningless lyrics were in the air. I recognized the melodic cries and chirping immediately.


At any other time, I would have welcomed her inside. The night sparrow was friendly and pleasant company. But this was a very delicate situation. If she discovered Rumia's corpse in the greenhouse, there was no telling how she would react. News would spread quickly, and the shrine maiden might come and start shooting us at random. In fact, I had better have Meiling lock the place up in case someone -


I didn't have time to dodge. It moved so quickly! Before I knew it, I found myself tackled to the ground. The landing wasn't painful thanks to the grass, but the rifle flew off from my hands. I blinked in surprise. I immediately realized that the object that had collided with me was much lighter and softer than I expected.

"You're here! You've come! The friendly and kind human~"

Before I realized it, the sparrow girl threw herself into my arms. She shaked and shivered as we both lay on the ground. Elena ran up to me with concern.

"Master! Are you alright?"

"I'm fine. Don't worry about it."

I stood myself up, taking care not to drop Mystia. The girl just kept herself close to me, refusing to let go. I could feel her heart beating loud and quick.

"Master, are you alright?" she asked again.

Elena frowned at us slightly as she spoke. She looked irritated, for some reason. But this wasn't the time to think about that. I turned my attention to the still shaking Mystia in my arms.

"What's wrong?" I whispered softly.

Just then, Meiling landed beside us, breathing heavily.

"Good!" she said. "You caught her!"

At those words, Mystia shrank deeper into my arms. I gave the gate guard a puzzled look, but she just shook her head and motioned for me to stay silent. I turned to Elena, but she just watched us quietly. Unsure of how best to react, I just stood there with the sparrow girl in my arms.

Very slowly, she started to sing.

An innocent girl with golden hair~♪
Travels under the safety of night~♪
To see a human, a journey rare~♪
But never returns, come morning light~♪

Then, she looked up at me with damp eyes as she waited for an answer.

[ ] "You should leave this place."
[ ] "Sorry, but I haven't seen Rumia."
[ ] "Why don't you come in for some tea?"

Sunday, July 18, 2010

[x] Stay here and investigate.

"Master? What about the front gate?"

"I'm sure that Meiling and Sakuya can handle it."

I stepped closer to the body to examine it. There was something oddly familiar about the murder weapon. A silver candlestick? I was sure that I've seen something like this before, but I took care not to touch it. It could be a very dangerous anti-youkai artifact. Of course, that was assuming that it was indeed used to kill the girl.

There was also the possibility that she was killed with another method, and this thing was left here to confuse us. I was not familiar with youkai physiology, and nothing outside a careful autopsy could identify the true cause of death. The only person I knew that had that expertise was that doctor from Eientei. And there were a number of reasons not to get the Lunarians involved in this mess. Especially since the residents of the mansion were the prime suspects of this murder.


I stood myself up and thought carefully. That was right. I hate to admit it, but the possibility that the murderer was someone among us was extremely high. I turned back to Elena.

"I need your help in confirming a few things," I said.

She nodded obediently.

"Very well, then. Who was the first person to discover the crime scene?"

"That would be Miss Meiling," said Elena. "I believe that it was her scream that we heard this morning. When I arrived with Miss Sakuya and some other staff, the gate guard was visibly shocked."

"So initially, it was Meiling who found the body? Then, within a few minutes of her scream, Sakuya and several of the fairy maid staff, including yourself, came and witnessed this scene."

"That is correct."

I paused for a moment to think.

"The greenhouse is normally kept locked at night. Do you know who carried keys to this place?"

"Miss Meiling was in charge of the greenhouse, so she usually opened it during the morning and closed it during the night. I'm sure that Miss Sakuya also carried a key that could open it. Oh! And Lady Remilia's master set of keys surely included a key to this place."

"I see. And there was no sign of a break-in from the outside?"

Elena shook her head.

"Like the mansion, a barrier has been placed around this place. If it was forcibly broken through, then we would have known immediately. The door we used earlier is the only way in and out of this place."

"I see. And right now, the two of us are the only ones here."

"Yes, that is corre -"


Malicious laughter filled the greenhouse. Elena and I raised our weapons immediately. Then, a humanoid shape flew over us and headed for the exit. I tightened my grip on the rifle and began to chase after it.

"Master! Get down!"

Elena's warning came just in time. A great black wolf leaped at my neck from the shadows. I ducked and rolled to the side, barely avoiding the attack. The next thing I heard was the sickening sound of sliced bone as the fairy maid's weapon connected with the creature's skull. It fell to the ground heavily, and as we watched, the creature's corpse melted into the shadows and disappeared. The fairy maid glanced at me with concern.

"Are you alright, Master?"

"Yeah, I don't think I broke any -"

Her eyes widened in surprise as I raised my rifle right at her. But there wasn't any time to explain. Instead, I just narrowed my eyes and aimed.


"Yip! Yip!"

The second wolf beast crashed only a few feet beside her. Just like the first one, it soon melted into the shadows and vanished, leaving no trace but the three silver bullets I used to take it down. I silently thanked my luck that this gun could kill these things.

"You okay, Elena?"

"Eh? A-ah! Y-you saved my life just now, didn't you?"

The fairy maid was still visibly shaken. I gave her a smile and an encouraging pat on the head.

"Not bad. You seem much more reliable than the others."

When I said those words, her shaking stopped immediately.

"O-of course," she said. "This is just part of my duty, after all."

"Good. Now, let's get out of this place."

What were those creatures? And who was that watching us in the greenhouse? A number of questions spun around in my head. But for now, we had to focus on staying alive. Elena and I slowly made our way out, weapons in hand. Thankfully, we didn't encounter anything else. Soon, we found ourselves safely out of the greenhouse.


Elena turned to me, waiting for further orders.
[ ] Search the grounds.
[ ] Head to the front gate.
[ ] Return to the mansion.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

[x] Have Elena lead you to the scene.

"Your orders?" said the fairy maid.

I holstered the rifle and gave her a grim smile.

"I order you to escort me to the scene."

Elena nodded and led me out into the hallway. I closed and locked the door behind us. She paused for a moment and began chanting a spell under her breath. A large poleaxe appeared in her hands shortly afterward. Just looking at it made me feel uneasy. She rarely brought out her weapon of choice. The situation must be serious.

"Follow me, Master."

We jogged through the halls and went down to the first floor. The mansion was deserted. We didn't meet anyone else as we moved. The fairy maid continued without stopping, leading me outside of the mansion. The gardens were just as empty. At least, at first glance. Standing in front of the greenhouse was the gate guard. She looked troubled, and she didn't notice us approach until we were close.

"Eh? A-ah! W-what are you doing here?" she stammered.

"I heard a scream," I said.

"B-but you aren't supposed to be here! Sakuya will get mad..."

"Tell me what happened."

She lowered her head slightly. Her voice was but a whisper when she spoke.

"It's better if you see it yourself," she said.

I turned to Elena and gave her a little nod.

"I shall wait here, Master."

Then, I headed inside. The door was unlocked, and the place was eerily silent. As I stepped deeper into the greenhouse, I pulled the rifle out and held it in my hands. There was no sign of immediate danger, but I didn't plan on taking chances. Like the mansion, the greenhouse was much larger than it seemed from the outside. In all directions were a countless number of strange plants and flowers. Some of them seemed to be from the Forest of Magic, so I carefully stayed away. Why did Remilia collect such dangerous things in her house anyway?

I stuck to the main path, glancing around for anything unusual. And at the very center of the place, beside one of the fountains, I discovered a gruesome scene. The body was small, like a child's. It lay on the ground face up, with its arms outstretched. It wore a black vest and skirt with a white blouse. I recognized the short blonde hair. This was definitely Rumia. I hurried closer to see her face. Or what was left of it, anyway.

"What the -"

A silver candlestick was brutally pierced through her left eye. Blood dripped out of the wound, staining her clothes and the ground with bright red. And on the undamaged part of her face was an expression of mild surprise. If I were to hazard a guess, she must have been attacked and killed almost instantly.

I lost track of time as I stood there. My hands were shaking in anger. Rumia wasn't one of the residents, but I had befriended her a while back. She was a youkai girl who was difficult to understand, but she had saved my life once before. And now, she lay lifeless in the middle of the greenhouse.


"Master! Master!"

Elena hurried toward me, still carrying her weapon. I could see a hint of panic in her face.

"What now?"

She paused to catch her breath. Her voice was shaky when she spoke.

"T-there are visitors at the front gate," she said. "Miss Meiling headed there to meet them."

"Someone at the gate?"

What horrible timing.
[ ] Stay here and investigate.
[ ] Return back to the mansion.
[ ] Go with Meiling to the front gate.
[x] Pierce

My eyes were wide open. Something had gone wrong. Terribly wrong, it seemed. I took a moment to put on my glasses. Then without hesitation, I jumped off the bed and readied myself. I was still wearing my clothes from yesterday. That gave me one less thing to worry about. After putting on my coat, I checked my rifle. It was still loaded, but I still felt uneasy. I turned to my closet and opened it, revealing a large ammo crate in the corner. Then, I grabbed a fist full of bullets and filled my coat pockets.


Ah, that! I pulled out the crystal vial and stared at it for a moment. Within the vial was a small tongue of fire that danced brightly. For some reason, it didn't go out during the entirety of yesterday. Odd, but I didn't think much of it this morning. After moving it to my pants pocket, I continued taking more ammo. And as soon as I decided that I had enough, I heard someone knock lightly on the door. Someone I had expected.

"Come in," I said.

The door swung open and my personal maid stepped inside. Unlike most of the fairy maids, Elena refused to adorn her hair with ornaments. When I asked her about it before, she said that they interfered with her wavelengths or something. But that was the last thing on my mind right now.

"Did you hear it too?" I asked her.


Elena gave me the smallest of nods. I immediately understood and sighed. My suspicions were confirmed.

That scream I heard earlier wasn't a dream.

"What are your intructions?"

"Miss Sakuya ordered me to ensure your safety. She wants you to stay in your room."

"I see. So does that mean that you will stop me from leaving?"

The fairy maid hesitated for a moment before speaking.

"Lady Remilia's instructions take precedence over the chief maid."

Elena took her time to say those words slowly and carefully. Remilia had assigned her as my personal maid, and my instructions were to be taken as if it were from the vampire herself. I got the gist of what she meant, but I was rather surprised.

"What exactly are you trying to say?"

The fairy maid gave me a determined look.

"If you give me the order, I shall lead you to the scene."

[ ] Wait quietly in your room.
[ ] Have Elena lead you to the scene.
[ ] Pass by somewhere first. (Specify)

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

[x] Garden

"Ah, so you came!"

When I arrived, a small picnic table was prepared near the greenhouse. Meiling waved enthusiastically at me to come closer. I smiled at what I saw. There were a number of colorful Chinese dishes: sweet and sour pork, beef noodle, shrimp fried rice, and several types of dumplings. My mouth watered as the delicious aroma wafted into my nostrils.

"Sakuya gave me permission to cook this evening," she explained.

"Very nice," I said. "Now which should I try first?"

"It's been a while, but I hope you like it."

I sat down and took a pair of chopsticks. Then, I took a piece of the pork and brought it to my mouth. From the side of my eye, I could see Meiling watching with interest. I closed my eyes for a moment, enjoying the flavor. For a few seconds, I didn't say anything.

"How is it?" she asked.


This flavor! I could taste the freshness of the herbs and seasonings. For a moment, I felt a cool summer breeze blow against my face. I was lying on my back in the country side, watching the clouds pass by. And when I swallowed, a pleasant nostalgia filled me inside. A smile formed on my lips. Then, I opened my eyes and returned to the world.

"I give this five stars! Maybe even six!"

"Ah! T-thank you, but I don't really think I'm that good."

"This is incredible! Why don't you cook more often?"

"Well, the Mistress prefers Western food, so...

At that moment, Meiling's smile looked just a bit pained. The food at the mansion was always first class. Under Sakuya's supervision, even the clumsiest of the fairy maids could prepare a feast fit for royalty. The cooking was rarely left to anyone else, so she didn't have much chance to showcase her own talents. For the most part, everyone else just looked at her as nothing more than the gate guard.

"Now that is a bit disappointing, and I guess that it's Remilia's decision in the end."


The gate guard nodded silently.

"Let me ask you then: would you like to be in charge of preparing lunch tomorrow? The vampire rarely stays awake during that time of the day. If you like, I can ask Sakuya."

"E-h? B-but that is..."

"Only if you want to do it, of course."

The surprise on her face slowly turned into a big smile.

"I'd love to," she said. "You can count on me!"

"That's great! And speaking of Sakuya, where is she anyway? I invited her to join us for dinner this evening."

Meiling didn't answer immediately. For some reason, she didn't look me in the eye as she spoke.

"Miss Sakuya said that she has some unfinished business this evening..."


The gate guard seemed visibly disturbed by the question, so I didn't ask any further. The rest of the evening was spent pleasantly chatting and eating. Meiling was surprised at my skill with chopsticks. I smiled awkwardly and shrugged. Perhaps I was taught as a kid? In any case, I couldn't really remember much about the past.

Time flies when one enjoys himself, and soon the food was finished. I thanked Meiling for her company before heading back inside the mansion. Good food and good company. It was a great way to end the day.

And before I knew it, I had collapsed on my bed and closed my eyes. I was still wearing my outdoor clothes, and I don't think I locked the door. But that probably didn't matter. Sleep soon overtook my mind.


[ ] Slice
[ ] Pierce
[ ] Bludgeon

Sunday, July 11, 2010

[x] The East Wing. Sakuya wanted to talk privately.

Sakuya stood in front of a large painting. Upon it was a young man seated on a workshop bench. He frowned slightly as he examined a large schematic layed out before the table in front of him. The floor was littered carelessly with drafts and notes. One side of his chest was completely see-through, and instead of human organs, the insides were completely made up of clockwork machinery. Then, I realized something unusual.

The chief maid was distracted. She didn't say anything or turn around as I approached. I smiled. This was my chance! I sneaked up to her very slowly. One step. Then, two. A few more for good measure, and I was right behind her. It took all my willpower to stay silent.


She still didn't react to my presence. Excellent. I raised both of my arms and prepared to grab her by the shoulders and surprise her. Then, an even more brilliant (?) idea came to mind. Why should I settle for just that? If I gave her a big hug from behind, wouldn't she be even more shocked? Sure, she might possibly cause me an undetermined amount of bodily harm. But this was a rare opportunity to see a flustered expression on the chief maid's face! Just the thought of it alone made me shiver in delight. Thus, I took one last step closer and prepared to hold her in my arms.

"Don't even think about it."

I blinked stupidly. Sakuya didn't turn around, but there was something different. Now what was it? I felt like I was suddenly presented with one of those "Spot the Difference" puzzles. Hmm. She was still looking at the painting, and nothing changed from her dress or posture. Was it a hair accessory? A new pair of thigh-high stockings? Or did her chest seem a bit different today? I stared for a whole minute, but I couldn't see anything that -

"Oh, right."

There was a knife in her hand. Several knives, to be more accurate. Hmm. I wonder how I didn't notice that at first glance. I laughed uneasily.

"Heh, I was just kidding, Sakuya! It was just a little joke! You know, a joke? Ha ha ha..."


The chief maid sighed loudly. I blinked again. Her hands were now empty, and the knives had vanished.

"Do you know the person in this painting?"

"Eh? Should I?"

I took a closer look at the painting. Now that she mentioned it, that face did seem familiar. But I couldn't place the name.

"Who is he supposed to be?" I asked.


Sakuya paused for a while before answering.

"When he arrived, no one knew who he was, or where he came from. But he was said to be a genius and a madman, born far before his time. He created great marvels of engineering and magic, including the clock tower on the roof. I sometimes happen upon his notes on clockwork or chronomancy as I perform my cleaning duties."

"Interesting. But why haven't I met him?"

"He left without a word after the clock tower was completed. Or at least, that's what Lady Remilia was told. It seemed that this all happened before the Mistress was born."



Sakuya seemed deep in thought. I didn't know what to say next, so I just stayed silent. A moment of silence passed. Then, the chief made turned around.

"Lady Remilia will not be joining for dinner," she said.

"Not joining?"

"She seems to be in a dark mood tonight, and she refuses to see anyone."

"I see."

Well, it wasn't like this never happened before. This happened every once in a while. The vampire probably woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Or perhaps she stretched her wings badly? In any case, it was an unsaid rule in the mansion not to ask.

"Where shall you be having dinner tonight? I'll have it prepared and taken to a location of your choice."

[ ] Dining Room.
[ ] Voile Library.
[ ] Staff Room.
[ ] Basement.
[ ] Garden.
[ ] My Room.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

[x] "Not yet. I shall make a few revisions."

For a short moment, my mind was completely blank.


I found myself standing alone in the hallway. Seemed like I was headed somewhere. But for some strange reason, I couldn't remember where. I scratched my head as I tried to focus. And as I did, I absent-mindedly glanced at my watch.

1:15 PM

Ah, that's right! Meiling, Flandre and I were playing a game of Twister this morning. We fought bravely against the cunning vampire, but the game ended the same way as it always did. During the final round, the little sister used a combination of mind games and dirty tricks to lower my guard. Needless to say, I lost my balance and my elbow hit the ground first. But not without knocking the other two girls down as well. We all crashed down in a confused tangle of sweat and bodies. I vaguely remember feeling something big and bouncy land on my right shoulder, while something soft and smooth pressed against my left thigh. But before I could see what those were, I heard a shrill scream (or two?). Then, everything went black.

I awoke in one of the sitting rooms in the first floor. The moment I sat up, Meiling started apologizing repeatedly, but I didn't understand the reason. In any case, I didn't seem injured, so I told her not to worry about it. When I asked her what happened with the game, she didn't say much. The only thing she told me was that Flandre had decided to head back to her room. The vampire said that she was tired, and she would decide on my consequence at some other time.

Since the vampires were asleep, I was alone at lunch. But that was nothing unusual. There was never much activity in the mansion during this time of the day. So I quickly finished my food and headed out. There was something that I could only do at this time.

Something very important.

"...but what was it, exactly?"

1:30 PM

I sighed loudly as my mind returned to the present. Here I was, standing around somewhere in the first floor. There was no one else nearby. And when I checked myself, I seemed fine. All my things were accounted for, including my rifle. The gun's weight put me at ease.

"Now then..."

Where shall I go?
[ ] The East Wing. Sakuya wanted to talk privately.
[ ] The Voile Library. Patchouli discovered something.
[ ] Nowhere in particular. Continue wandering aimlessly.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Remilia was at her usual seat, watching the game silently. The inverted ocean of blood and souls was just as violent and foreboding as it had always been. And her mansion was just as empty. Or at least, that was how it should have been. Sitting across from her was an uninvited guest.

"How do you find it? Is the blend to your liking?"

"It has an interesting flavor. White Tea, was it?"

The man in grey robes put down his cup and smiled.

"That is 'Virgin White Tea', grown and made without ever being touched by human hands. It is a very rare blend grown in south Sri Lanka. Have you not heard of it?"

Remilia shook her head.

"I am unfamiliar with this 'Sri Lanka', but I do find the flavor quite unique. A delicate and exotic taste. I like it."

"Glad to hear that. It would be sad to waste such a fine tea on the unrefined."


The vampire took another sip of tea. Her eyes remained focused on a seemingly unimportant scene. A vampire, youkai and human were enthusiastically playing a game of Twister, with a fairy maid playing the part of the referee. She seemed to be observing them carefully.

Remilia waved her hand. In an instant, the scene switched to a different place. The head maid was busy supervising the cleaning at the East Wing. Several fairy maids were positioned around the room, obediently following her instructions.

She waved her hand again. The scene now displayed the Voile Library. Koakuma was cheerfully humming to herself as she sorted the books on the upper level. Several floors below, Patchouli was doing research from the archives.

Another wave of her hand. The scene showed the Master's bedroom. Remilia's other self was sleeping peacefully in her bed, blissfully unaware of what was to come. There was no other movement at the second floor.

"Interesting moves. Playing defensively this time?"

Remilia sighed and turned to her guest.

"I don't want to hear that from you. Since it started, you've only moved one piece."

"That is true. Should I use another piece, I wonder? But then, your formation is puzzling to me. Is it wise to have your pieces so tightly positioned?"


The vampire put her cup down.

"What are you plotting, Wizard?

"Now, now. Is that any way to talk to a guest?"

"You are no guest of mine. And you would be dead right now if you had let me kill you properly."

"Scary! Well, at the very least, you could call me by my name?"

"Your 'name'? Very well, then. What are you plotting, Hansel?"

The man in grey chuckled when she used that name, as if greatly amused.

"Like I said, I am only here to watch. At this time, my piece exists for the sole purpose of granting me a view of the board."

"Really, now?"

"After all, you and I aren't the only ones with pieces in this game."


The vampire turned back to the scene. It had reverted back to the game of Twister between her sister, the gate guard, and that human. All three were beginning to tire, but none of them looked like they were willing to give up. Hansel yawned loudly as he watched.

"If your side isn't going to do anything else, then shall we skip to the interesting part?"

Remilia looked into her tea thoughtfully.
[ ] "I need time to rethink my strategy."
[ ] "Not yet. I shall make a few revisions."
[ ] "I am done with this day. Raise the curtain."
[x] Right hand, red

I turned my head away from the spinner and prepared myself to move. From the clues presented during the previous rounds, there was only one possible outcome. Even before the fairy maid spoke, I had already lunged for the circle that was closest to Flandre.

"Right hand, red!" cried the referee.

Exactly as planned. In a split-second, I would block off the vampire's escape route. She would have no escape this time. It was a checkmate. Or so I had thought.

"Oh shi -"

Time slowed as I realized that Meiling was reaching for the exact same circle. She had already began shifting her weight to that side. If I touched it first, then there was a good chance that she would lose her balance. I immediately halted my movement, ignoring the pain as I twisted my shoulder the wrong way.


Thinking the same thing, Meiling had performed some gymnastics of her own and managed to grab a different circle. And at that moment, I realized our mistake.

"How predictable."

Faster than my eye could follow, the little sister slammed her palm on the red circle. The impact and surprise of her move shook me off balance. And as I started to fall to the side, Flandre grinned widely at me.

"Foolish human. This is the end..."

"Damn it!"

She was right. My shoulder still hurt, and I was unable to recover from this kind of position. In one or two seconds, my left elbow would hit the ground. And it would be my loss. Damn it! I closed my eyes and cringed.


Five seconds passed. Then ten seconds. I had still not hit the ground. Then, I heard her voice call out to me.

"Don't give up!" said Meiling.

Slowly, I opened my eyes. The gate guard smiled gently at me. Meiling had somehow stopped me from falling by leaning her left knee against my leg. Realizing this chance, I quickly regained my balanced and grabbed a nearby red circle with my right hand. Then, I looked up at the referee. The fairy maid gave us a thumbs-up. Flandre clicked her tongue, disappointed.

"Tch. Almost got you that time..."

"It isn't over yet," I said. "And it won't be over until you finally lose!"

"That's right!" said Meiling. "Even if it's Miss Flandre, there is always a chance that we can beat her!"

The little sister chuckled to herself as she watched us defy her.

"You two sure are persistent. Perhaps its time for me to start playing seriously..."

Something gleamed in her eye. I braced myself for the worst.

"Referee!" cried Flandre. "Spin it again! Again and again until I have these two fools groveling before me!"

"Ah! Y-yes, Miss Flandre!"

The fairy maid then prepared to

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

[x] Play a physical game.

"Ahahaha! What fun! I never thought that both of you would get this far, ehehe~"

"Hey Meiling! You still alive back there?"

"Barely. That last round almost ended it for me."

Sweat dripped down my face, but I couldn't wipe it off. I had to hold my position just like everyone else, or it would be my loss. And I could only imagine what horrible punishment Flandre had planned for the loser of this exercise.

"Still working together? Now, isn't that cute?"

The cunning vampire still held the best position among us three. She had expected our attack, and she countered it easily with her own brilliant moves.

"But you know," she said. "There is an easier way to end this game. After all, the only thing you need to do is make sure that someone else loses first."

I knew what she was going to say next. But that didn't make it sound any less cruel.

"And that person doesn't necessarily have to be me, ehehe~"

Meiling glanced at me fearfully. I was in the best place to sabotage the gate guard's position this turn. If I did, then this game would be over and I would be free from Flandre's grasp. But only if I surrendered my best friend into her hands.

"A choice between saving myself or my friend? You really are a crafty one, Flandre."

"I thought that it would make for a more interesting game~"

The little sister laughed cheerfully at our predicament. I bit my lip angrily. This was no game. I understood that from the start. This was complete torture, where each player tormented the others. But I had accepted her challenge for a reason.

"You underestimate me," I said. "Did you really think I would compromise? Like hell I would! I already declared my stand at the start of this game!"

I raised my voice and glared at the vampire girl with righteous fury.

"Flandre Scarlet shall be the one who loses this game!"

The little sister smirked with great amusement.

"Do you still believe that possible, human? You are more foolish than I thought! But no matter. I'll crush that resolve of yours into pieces. Again and again, if I have to."

Flandre then turned to the fairy maid, who she had recruited as our referee.

"You there! Spin it again!"

The fairy maid nodded obediently as she knelt down and spun the device. All of our eyes were on it as it slowed down. I watched carefully, but I knew that I had to start moving before the referee spoke.

[ ] Right foot, blue
[ ] Right hand, red
[ ] Left foot, green
[ ] Left hand, yellow

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

[x] Hug

Flandre wore the brightest of smiles as she stood before me. The little sister was positively radiating with cheer this morning. I quickly turned away and shielded my eyes. The initial strike of this attack had already pulled at my heartstrings, rendering me unable to speak. The vampire noticed my reaction immediately, and she lowered her voice.

"Eh? Why are you looking away? Do you hate me?"

I knew that she was toying with me, but there was a subtle charm behind her words. For some reason, I found myself picturing the little sister all covered in sweet honey as she spoke. 'Covered in nothing else but honey,' whispered my darker side. Wait, what? That definitely wasn't right! I shook my head and stepped back as I removed the indecent image from my mind. I felt my chest tighten painfully as I resisted her second strike.

"Ugh," I managed. "Don't come any closer, Flan!"

"Huh? What are you talking about, I wonder~"

Even without looking, I could tell that she was enjoying this. Behind that facade was a calm and calculating mind. And sure enough, she began to step closer as she prepared her final strike. I raised an arm to stop her. But it was already too late.

"W-wait a sec -"

Suddenly, something unbelievably soft leaned against my chest. I could feel her arms around my waist as she gave me a gentle embrace. Even through my clothes, I could feel the silky touch of each finger. I looked down to see Flandre snuggle up closer, as if she enjoyed my warmth. My head started to grow light.


I absent-mindedly began stroking the little vampire's head. She purred contentedly as I ruffled her hair. And before I knew it, I gave her a great big hug. But that wasn't enough. I held her as tight as I could, greedily savoring the sensation of her sweet soft skin against my body. She did not resist, and she even giggled a bit in amusement. Then, everything started to turn white. Her innocent laughter was the last thing I heard.

".. don't... brea.. uman"

"Inter.. pure.. ive.."

".. careful... right?"

"Weak... train.. resistance."

"..kless... dange... thod."

Words and colors spun about in my head, but none of it made sense. My mind had completely overheated from the conflicting threads of thought. And when I finally regained consciousness, I found myself seated beside one of the tea tables by the gardens.

"Are you awake? Here, drink some of this."

A red and green blur handed me something that was vaguely shaped like a glass. I took it and drank the contents slowly. A moment later, I realized that I was drinking tomato juice. My head quickly started clearing up.

"Feeling any better?"

"Yeah, thanks."

I smiled in the general direction of Meiling as my eyes regained focus. She sighed in relief. Then, from the other side of the table, I heard a familiar voice.

"I told you that he wouldn't break that easily. You worry too much~"

"What.. what happened?" I said slowly.

"You passed out while expressing your... affection for Miss Flandre."

I glanced at the little sister. She almost choked on her juice as our eyes met.

"Ah, is that so? Sorry about that.."

Flandre turned away, not meeting my eyes.

"W-well, it's not like you did it on purpose..."

The little sister seemed a bit jumpier than usual. I raised an eyebrow at Meiling. The gate guard lowered her voice a bit, though she had a small smile on her face.

"When Miss Flandre realized that you weren't letting her go, she froze in shock. Seemed like you did something that wasn't in her calculations."

"Hey! I can hear that, you know!"


I laughed uneasily as Flan argued and pouted with Meiling. It was unusual for her plans to take an unexpected turn. I couldn't help but smile as I watched her. That embarrassed expression of hers was so fresh and innocent. She really did look like a little sister at this rare moment.

"And you," she said, suddenly turning to me. "You'll take responsibility for this, won't you?"

"Responsibility?" I repeated. I swallowed nervously.

Flandre suddenly smiled darkly at the gate guard and I.

"You'll play a game with me, won't you?"

I paused for a moment to think. It didn't seem wise to let her choose, so I went ahead and suggested that we...
[ ] Play a card game.
[ ] Play a puzzle game.
[ ] Play a physical game.
[ ] Refuse to play with her.

Monday, July 5, 2010

[x] "Nothing unusual. Gensokyo is always dangerous."

"Thanks for the meal. I'll be going now."

"Come again anytime," said Keine. "You are always welcome here."

Mokou waved at us as she started walking down the path. I watched as she disappeared into the crowd of humans and youkai. Most of the shops have opened, and many of the villagers have began on the day's work. The place was much busier, now that it was late in the morning. Keine then turned to me.

"Before you go, can I ask something?"


"In private, I mean."

I apologized silently as Keine and I stepped away. Meiling looked worried, but she didn't say anything. After making sure that no one was in earshot, Keine spoke again.

"How are you feeling?" she whispered. "Do you still have headaches or trouble sleeping?"

"That stopped a while back. I feel fine now."

"Are you sure? I can get more medicine if you need it."

"Don't worry about me."

The teacher frowned for a moment. Then she sighed, not pushing the subject any further.

"Was there anything else you wanted to talk about?" I asked.

"Ah! There was one other thing..."

Keine fiddled with her fingers as she smiled at me.

"You are a nice guy. I have no doubt about that. But if you ever make Mokou cry, I'll make certain that you regret the fact that you were ever born in this world. Got that~"


After bidding her goodbye, Meiling and I flew back toward the mansion. There wasn't anything of interest to mention on the way back. We just chatted about a few unimportant things, like the new flowering plants that Remilia had bought from the village, Sakuya's instructions for heightening mansion security, and Mystia's plan to expand her grilled lamprey business. Time passed quickly, and before we knew it, we had arrived home.

"Welcome back, Master."

Standing in front of the mansion gate was a fairy maid with short blonde hair. I waved at her as we approached. She watched silently as I landed on solid ground.

"Good morning, Elena. How are things at home?"


An odd pause. There was something different about the expression on her face this morning, but I couldn't place it.

"Err... Elena?"

She gave me a formal bow before speaking.

"May I request that I be informed of the Master's preferred schedule?"


"Please let me know when you plan another 'extended leave'. I shall personally ensure that there will be someone to open the gate. Now if you will excuse me..."

Elena bowed once more before stepping inside. I scratched my head, wondering what she meant. Why was she standing outside, anyway? But something in the back of my mind told me that it was better not to ask. I probably should try to see if -

"You're back!"

Without warning, the front doors of the mansion burst open. Something flew right by my side and crashed heavily into Meiling. The gate guard barely managed to stay standing.

"G-good to see you too, Miss Flandre.."

It took a few seconds for the sight to register in my head. The little sister's affection for Meiling was nothing new, but there was something that wasn't right here. I glanced at my watch.

9:30 AM

Then, I realized it. Why was she still awake? It was far beyond her usual sleeping time. I raised an eyebrow at her. Flandre just smiled with mischief as she pulled away from the gate guard and started approaching me next.


Flandre has appeared. What do?
[ ] Ignore
[ ] Cower
[ ] Punish
[ ] Ruffle
[ ] Hug

Sunday, July 4, 2010

[x] "If you have room for three more, why not?"


Mokou stared at me in silence. I stared back without saying a word. I didn't understand why she watched me like that. Nor did I understand why I felt that looking back was the appropriate response. But for some reason, this girl felt more and more familiar to me. Have I met her before? And if I did, when?


Keine cleared her throat loudly. We glanced at her at the same time. She gave me a little nod before turning to the (more) oddly dressed girl.

"Would you mind helping me in the kitchen?"

"... alright."

Mokou stood up and followed after Keine, but not without turning back and staring at me one last time. It was an expression of mild interest, surprise, and perhaps puzzlement? Well, that was my guess, since I felt like I was making the exact same face back.

Hmm. Now that I thought about it, I was pretty sure that I've seen her before. Last night wasn't the first time I've met this strangely dressed girl. And even she seemed to think so. But why was it that she couldn't remember. And why couldn't I?

"Umm, may I ask you a question?"

That voice quickly brought me back to the present. I turned to Meiling.

"Is there something between you and Mokou?"

"Nothing much. Why?"

"Well, it's just that you two have been getting along really well this morning. I could tell that you were both on a similar wavelength. Even if you just met last night, It isn't really unheard of... you know?"

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

She lowered her voice as she spoke, not looking me in the eye.

"You know... l-l-love at first sight."

I blinked several times before I realized what she was implying. I immediately shook my head.

"That isn't it at all! I just thought that she looked familiar. Maybe we bumped into each other at the village before, or something."

"I see."

"I'm not lying. You believe me, don't you?"

To my surprise, Meiling gave me a bright smile.

"Of course, I do."

I sighed in relief.

"That's great. I wouldn't know what to do if my partner-in-crime didn't trust me..."

"P-p-partner-in-crime? Are you planning to do something reckless again?"

"Nah. It's just my way of saying that you're my best friend."

Meiling turned bright red at those words. She quickly looked away as if she was embarrassed. But before I could ask her why, Mokou returned to the dining room with the tea.

"Geez, that Keine..."

Mokou poured a cup for Meiling. Then, she poured me a cup. Our eyes met for a split-second. And she looked away and quietly returned to her seat.


Keine entered next with a Japanese style breakfast. After she had served the food, she took a seat right beside Mokou. For some reason, the girl in pants tried avoiding the teacher's gaze. But Keine turned to her anyway.

"Oh don't be like that," she said. "It was my mistake. And I already said that I believed you, didn't I?"


"So tell me the news. How are your patrols doing?"

Mokou paused uneasily, but Keine just smiled.

"You can speak freely here," she said. "This guy might be stupid, but he's a good person. And Miss Gate Guard visits the village often on her days off. There are no strangers here."

"Days off?" I muttered in surprise.

I turned to Meiling, but she just shook her head and begged silently that I didn't ask. The teacher raised an eyebrow at me.

"Did you say something?" asked Keine.

"Ah, nevermind," I said. "It wasn't important."

"I see," said Keine. "So Mokou, anything new around the area?"

Mokou sighed heavily.

"Nothing that you didn't already suspect. The activity of wild youkai has grown much more violent in the past weeks. I've witnessed several attacks around the Bamboo Forest, the Forest of Magic, and the lower part of Youkai Mountain."

"Any idea what's causing the change in behavior?"

"No clue so far, but that Nightbug girl gave me a lead the other day. I'll let you know if I learn something new."

"Alright. Thanks a lot, Mokou."

Suddenly, the teacher turned to me.

"And how about you? Have you seen anything odd or strange around the mansion?"


"Since you always get into trouble, I thought that you'd be the best person to ask."

She said that without any hesitation at all. Not that it made me feel much better. I paused to think. Besides last night, nothing really came to mind.
[ ] "Nothing unusual. Gensokyo is always dangerous."
[ ] "Nothing unusual. Things are relatively quiet."
[ ] "Nothing unusual. Why do you ask?"
[ ] "Nothing unusual..." (Specify?)

Saturday, July 3, 2010

[x] Human Village

"You have some business in the village?"

"Not really, no. But I just felt like passing by since it's on the way back."

"Hmm," said Meiling. "Are you sure that it's alright for you to miss breakfast? Mistress might get upset..."

"Don't worry about it. In the worst case, we'll just say that I had you accompany me on one of my little adventures."

Meiling stopped in mid-air and turned to me.

"B-but that's too reckless!"

"Not as reckless as an 'ordinary' human wandering around the Bamboo Forest alone."

Mokou hovered only a few feet away, with her hands in her pockets and her eyes to the sky. Despite that, she did seem to be interested in our conversation. Meiling tightened her grip on my hand and gave me a worried look. We were still synchronized, so that wasn't because I might fall. Clearly, she was more concerned about last night. I just shook my head and smiled at the gate guard.

"Just a slight lapse in good judgment."

"That's what you said about the time you faced off alone against that ice fairy by the lake!"

"Huh? You still remember that?"

"Of course! Everyone was so worried when you returned to the mansion with your arm completely frozen! If you had been a few hours late, Patchouli wouldn't have been able to restore it!"

"That was a long time ago..."

"Then how about your little 'hunting trip' in the Forest of Magic? I heard that you were chased by a horde of fairies all the way back to the mansion."

"An unfortunate misunderstanding."

"If Rumia hadn't helped you escape, the wild fairies would have killed you!"

"Not without a fight."

"That's not the point!"

The rest of the flight to the village went on like that. Mokou stayed mostly silent, with an occasional comment here and there, while Meiling and I argued. None of it was really new to me, of course. Every time I had a close call, Meiling would start acting like this. She would keep checking me for wounds or injuries, even if she clearly wasn't familiar with human physiology. The, she would lecture me about how dangerous Gensokyo was, or how this or that creature in this or that place could easily kill me. Not that she was wrong about any of it, of course.

But I always managed to return in one piece, didn't I? Well, almost. More or less. But weren't they overreacting? Just a few weeks ago, I was no longer allowed to wander outside without someone with me. And for some reason, that 'someone' was almost always Meiling. Did Remilia really think that I needed a body guard? Well, whatever.

It was 7:20 AM when we had finally reached the village. It felt good to be walking on solid ground again. A familiar face was waving at us. I quickly waved back.

"Nice to see you, Keine."

"Nice to see you, Keine."

I blinked a couple of times and turned to Mokou. Did we just say that at the same time? We both raised an eyebrow. A short, but awkward silence followed. Sensing the mood, Keine quickly interrupted us.

"It's been a while, you two."

Meiling landed right beside me and gave the village guardian a polite bow.

"Good morning, Miss Kamishirasawa."

"Eh? Ah! No need for formalities here, Miss Gate Guard."

Meiling's eye started twitching. Her smile began to waver, but I couldn't help but be amused.

"In any case, why don't you join me for breakfast?"

"Breakfast? Ah well -"

"- I kinda have something..."

Deja vu. Mokou and I glanced at each other once more. Another moment of silence.

"Oh, don't be shy, you two..."

[ ] "Sorry, but we better get going."
[ ] "Meiling and I would love to join you."
[ ] "If you have room for three more, why not?"

Thursday, July 1, 2010

[x] Hold the vial near the fire.
[x] Forget about it and sleep.

"This fire," I muttered.

There was something unusual about it. At the time, I didn't really know what I was doing. But before I realized it, I had taken the crystal vial from my pocket and held it out near the fire.


The flame rose up violently for a moment. The cap popped out of the vial, and a small portion of the flame was sucked inside. Then, the fire returned to normal as if nothing strange had happened. I blinked in surprise. The crystal vial glowed ominously in my hand, yet it didn't even feel warm. After a moment of thought, I replaced the cap and pocketed the vial that now held a bit of the fire that Mokou built.

'Fire in a bottle?' I thought. Hmm. I guess I could figure it out some other time. My eyelids felt really heavy. I was at my limit now. It was a long night, and I had better get some rest. I leaned my back against the cave wall and dozed off.


Now if I was the protagonist of some great epic adventure, this would have probably been the best time for a dream sequence. I would suddenly find myself standing in some place or time that was of importance to the future challenges and trials that I would face. There, I would meet someone I knew well or someone who I had never seen before. Either way, that person would give cryptic clues and hints that would only make sense later on in the story. Perhaps I would even see events that happened in the past or in distant places. Only to find out that these would be somehow related to my own fate.


Needless to say, I wasn't in that kind of story. I didn't have any strange dreams. None that I could remember, anyway. Instead, the first thing that brought me back to reality was someone's voice. Then, I became aware that someone was shaking me awake.

"Please wake up. It's morning. Won't you wake up?"


The voice was familiar, but I felt a bit too tired to open my eyes. I heard a second voice nearby.

"That idiot still isn't awake?"

"He won't respond at all. D-do you think that he's alright? I'm not too familiar with human illnesses... huu.."


Footsteps. Someone was walking closer. Not that I really cared.

"See? He won't wake even if I shake him. Should we take him to Eientei?"

"Step aside. Let me try an age-old technique of mine."

"Eh? W-wait! I don't think that -"


Pain. Right in my guts. So much pain. I curled up on the ground and cursed loudly.

"Goddamit, Mokou!" I cried.

"There we go," she said with a smile. "Our little 'hero' is wide awake now, isn't he?"

"Oh no! Are you feeling alright?"

Meiling helped me up slowly. I rubbed my stomach a bit. It probably wasn't going to make a large bruise, but goddamn it hurt a lot! I glared angrily at Mokou.

"What the hell, man? Who the hell wakes someone up with a kick to the gut?"

The girl just smiled at me, clearly amused.

"Though for a 'hero', you really can't take much damage. Hard to believe that this is the same guy who faced off against a dozen beast crows on his own last night."

My head was still in a daze from the pain and anger, but before I knew it, I already held the rifle in my hand. Then, I aimed it right at Mokou.

"You asshole.."

To my surprise (and annoyance), the gesture just made her smile wider.

"Straight to the point, and real gutsy too. Didn't even hesitate. Heh, I'm think I'm starting to like you..."

"S-stop it!" cried Meiling. "Put that thing down! It's dangerous!"


I glanced at the gate guard. Her eyes pleaded with me to calm down. I sighed. If she looked at me that way, then even the burning anger in my heart would cool off. Maybe I was just weak against girls who worried about me? In any case, I lowered my rifle. The gateguard then turned to Mokou.

"And you!" cried Meiling. "Please don't toy with him so roughly! He's just an ordinary human, you know?"

"An ordinary human? You sure about that?"

Mokou gave me an accusing stare.

"Do I look like I have youkai strength or magic abilities? I can't even fly, for crying out loud!"


She continued watching me, as if unconvinced. But I didn't look away. Seeing that I was telling the truth, she finally shrugged.

"Well, if that's true, then I guess I should apologize..."

Mokou turned away and glanced outside. It was early morning, and it wasn't raining anymore.

"I'll escort you guys out of the Bamboo Forest," she said. "And depending on where you are headed, I might tag along for a little bit."

"T-thank you very much!" said Meiling.

Personally, I wasn't feeling very thankful. But I guess that there was no real reason to bear a grudge against Mokou. In fact, I was pretty sure that she wasn't kidding when she said that she liked me. But was that a good thing? Well, whatever.

I paused to think. There was more than one route back to the mansion.
[ ] Misty Lake
[ ] Human Village
[ ] Forest of Magic