Wednesday, September 1, 2010

[x] Yukari should stay.

I sighed loudly and shook my head.

"I'm sorry Remilia, but -"

"I've agreed to help him from this point onward~" said Yukari suddenly.

"Eeeeeeeeh? W-what did you say!?" cried the vampire. "D-did you just make a contract with Yukari!?"

I could hear the panic in her voice. For just that moment, the vampire lost all composure, and I thought that she was going to start crying. Or beating me to death. Or both. I couldn't really tell. And I didn't plan on waiting to find out. Seeing her look at me with those eyes was painful enough. I quickly shook my head.

"Of course not! We haven't agreed on anything yet!"

"B-but she just said that..."

"Don't misunderstand," I said. "Yukari said that she could help. I just think that we should listen to what she has to say."

" that really all?"

"I don't want us to be trapped in this riddle forever. Don't you think that we should try something different this time?"


Remilia glanced at me with suspicion, but she didn't say anything more. I could tell that she wasn't completely convinced. But at the very least, she seemed to calm down a bit. The vampire took her seat and poured herself another glass of brandy. I quickly turned back to Yukari.

"What kind of help are you offering?" I asked.

"Nothing much, really..."

She put down her glass and began combing her long golden hair with her fingers. Then, she paused and fiddled with something I couldn't see. And with a gentle smile, she held out something in her hands. It looked like a small hair ribbon.

"With this, you can escape from even the most dangerous of situations in the blink of an eye."

"Oh really? Well, then..."

"Don't get too excited," said Remilia. "It isn't like you could just take that with you during the next round. And even if you did, you wouldn't remember any of this conversation, so it's all useless."

"That is certainly true," said Yukari. "Which is why I am going to do this, instead~"

Before either of us could respond, she cheerfully put the ribbon into Remilia's hands. I understood immediately. This would work within the rules, I think. The vampire stared at the ribbon carefully for a few moments.

"What are you playing at, Yukari?"

"Eh? But I gave you the real thing, just now. Can't you tell just by holding it~"

Remilia shook her head and repeated her question.

"What are you playing at? I know that it's genuine. Is this another scheme of yours?"

Yukari giggled as she stood herself up. She pulled out a parasol out of nowhere and waved at us cheerfully.

"Well... that's all the time I have for now," she said. "I'll be looking forward to your next performance~"

"W-wait!" cried Remilia. "Answer me! Why would you -"

Suddenly, a black portal appeared at the youkai girl's legs and swallowed her up. Then, it closed up and vanished just as quickly. The vampire angrily stamped her foot on the ground.

"Ugh! That damn Yukari! What the hell is she playing at?"

Despite her words, I noticed that Remilia had carefully pocketed the hair ribbon. I prudently took care not to mention it any further. Instead, I poured myself another shot. Yukari had left the bottle behind, after all. But before I could take a sip, the vampire turned around and glared at me.

"And you! What do you think you're doing?"

"Err... having another shot?"

"Enjoying yourself at a time like this!?"

Without warning, the vampire slammed her palm loudly upon the tea table. I immediately took the hint and put down my glass. She nodded and pulled out a metal key ring from her dress. Then, she removed two keys and held them out for me to see.

"Keys? But these are different from the ones before..."

"The violet key goes to the library, while the silver key goes to the clock tower."

"I see..."

Remilia didn't say anything more. Did she not know which one I would choose this time? Or perhaps she knew, but...
[ ] Library Key
[ ] Clock Tower Key

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