Wednesday, September 15, 2010

[x] Catch her.

I swooped down and caught the girl in my arms. She was surprisingly light, and I had little trouble carrying her. We landed together among the sunflowers. I glanced at her for a moment.


Yuuka's eyes remained closed, and she did not say a word. Her lovely green hair was surprisingly well-kept, and her skin was flawless and smooth. She breathed softly, as if she was just sleeping. There was something oddly familiar about this scene. Before I realized it, I found myself absent-mindedly stroking her hair. We stood like that for a few moments, without any other care in the world. And very slowly, a small smile started to form on her lips. That is, until I realized that something was odd.

"Wait a second... huh!?"

I blinked in surprise when I realized it. All of the burns on her face and body had vanished! Wait, what!? Wasn't she just hit with a powerful elemental spell a while ago? And I was sure that she took severe damage that time. But when I looked at her again, there was no sign of even a single wound or scar. I never heard of humans healing so quickly, even in Gensokyo. This level of natural regeneration was restricted to only the most powerful youkai. Which meant that this girl was...

"Why did you stop?" she said suddenly.

Yuuka Kazami stared straight at me. There was no fear or anger in her eyes. Just that same expression of mild interest.

"No p-particular reason," I said uneasily. "I'm glad t-to see that you're alright."

"You don't look very glad. Did you only realize your mistake now?"

"Mistake!? W-what are you talking about?"

She smiled cheerfully, as if she was talking about how pleasant the weather was. And even without words, I began to understand the entirety of this scene. Here I was, holding a hostile youkai girl in my arms. Said youkai girl was completely unhurt and was already proven capable of dealing much bodily harm. And from this range, there was little I could do to defend myself. This really was the worst possible situation, wasn't it?

"I could easily kill you right now, human."

From this close, I couldn't even put up a basic spell barrier. And this girl knew it. Very slowly, she put one of her soft hands on my chest. I shivered slightly. Was she going to punch through my ribcage and rip out my heart? I watched in horror as she playfully poked at my shirt with her fingers. Then, she moved her hand higher.

"W-what the -"

I held my breath as she wrapped her fingers around my neck. Was she going to choke me to death? I couldn't say a word as she tightened and loosened her grip several times. But she didn't seem satisfied. Instead, she continued moving her hand higher.


Her soft fingers pressed against my cheeks. Was she going to gouge out my eyes? Was she going to rip out my tongue? Or perhaps, she was going to crush my skull? I closed my eyes shut and silently prayed for a swift death. And I waited. And waited. And waited some more. But nothing happened. She just stroked my hair softly with her fingers. It felt oddly comforting, and little by little, I started to calm my heart.

Then, she said something strange. I immediately opened my eyes, unsure if I had heard correctly.

"What... did you say?"

She said it again - my name. But I still didn't understand. How could she know that?

"I never thought we'd meet again. You really have grown up."

I stood there silently, the girl still in my arms. She had introduced herself as Yuuka Kazami. But I had absolutely no memory of her or this sunflower field.

"Have we... met before?"

At those words, her smile began to fade.
[ ] Tell her the truth. You don't remember her.
[ ] Lie for now. Perhaps you'll remember later.
[ ] Just forget about it. Time to leave this place.

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