Saturday, September 4, 2010

[x] Library Key

I took the violet key from Remilia's hand. She watched me carefully.

"Are you sure about this?"

"Huh? What are you talking about?"


The vampire sighed loudly and shook her head. Before I could ask any further, she grabbed my hand and held it tight. And in an instant, we were transported to the Voile Armory. She let go of my hand and started walking away. Remilia had almost left my sight when I called out to her.

"Wait!" I cried. "Where are you going?"

"I need some time to think," she said.

"Then, what am I supposed to do?"

"Go ahead and pick out what you need. I'll meet you near the entrance later."

Remilia didn't turn around, and her voice was just a whisper when she spoke. I watched quietly as she left. She didn't show any of her usual energy and confidence. And that made me feel a bit nervous. For some reason, I felt absolutely certain that something had changed. Something important.


I examined the violet key closely. But aside from a few strange symbols engraved on the side, it seemed like a perfectly ordinary door key. There weren't any tricks or strange devices, and I didn't feel anything particularly ominous from it. This item was just a means to open the way to the library, wasn't it?

"Well, whatever."

There were a number of interesting items that I hadn't noticed before. A camera used for spiritual photography. A worn battle axe from the North. A deck of strangely marked playing cards. A pair of flintlock dueling pistols. A schematic for building a 'Kappa Arm'. A map that showed all the fairy dwellings around the mansion. An old baseball bat and a BB gun. A grimoire filled with spells and curses. An umbrella that was left behind and forgotten.

"Too bad these don't have any labels..." I muttered to myself.

I sighed sadly. There weren't any new items to choose from, this time. Just like before, only five items had labels. And as I stood there, thinking about what to bring, I noticed Remilia beside one of the few windows in this place. She looked troubled.

"Hey! Are you feeling alright?"

"... I'm fine."

"Ah, is that so?"


Remilia sighed to herself as she looked at me.

"Have you decided, then?"


"On what you are going to bring back with you."

"Ah, that. Let me think..."

What shall I take this time?
[ ] I don't need any of this junk.
[ ] A length of rope. Its price is "Trust".
[ ] A crystal vial. Its price is "Restraint".
[ ] A small compass. Its price is "Time".
[ ] A ballpoint pen. Its price is "Accuracy".
[ ] A silver candlestick. Its price is "Calm".
[ ] A troubled vampire girl. Its price is "???".

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