Wednesday, September 15, 2010

[x] Tell her the truth. You don't remember her.

I gently helped Yuuka to her feet. She was only a couple of inches shorter than me, and she didn't look any different from an ordinary human girl. In her other hand was her parasol. She must have held onto it all this time. Then, this girl stared straight at me with some feeling that I couldn't place. For some reason, that expression seemed very familiar. But no matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't remember...

"I'm sorry, but I really can't remember meeting you before."


Her smile completely faded away. She put her hand to her chin and stared at me thoughtfully. I wasn't sure how best to respond, so I just stayed quiet.


"Ah! That's it, isn't it?"

Yuuka suddenly snapped her fingers, as if she remembered something. Then, she smiled brightly at me. A chill ran down my spine. Without warning, she reached for my neck.

"I get it now," she said. "This is what you humans call a joke, isn't it?"

"W-what are you... urk!"

This time, I could feel her youkai strength as she effortlessly choked me. Her smile widened as she watched the horror in my eyes.

"I haven't seen you around for the longest time, so don't fool around like that."

"... but... (cough)...I'm... (wheeze)... not..."

Yuuka raised her arm and lifted me up in the air. She tightened her grip painfully.

"This joke of yours isn't very funny. Stop lying and come clean, already!"

"... was.. (wheeze).. not.. (cough)... lying"

"When was it? The last time we met?"

"... don't... (cough)... remember... urk!"


I don't remember how long she held me like that. But right before I could pass out, she suddenly let go. A few minutes passed as I recovered from her attack. Then, I looked up to her angrily.

"What the hell? Are you trying to kill me!?"

"You really... don't remember?"

"That's what I've been saying earlier! Aren't you -"

Yuuka shook her head and sighed. I stopped speaking. She watched me with a sad smile. Her next words were but a whisper.

"Then, we are just strangers, aren't we?"

With that, Yuuka started walking around the sunflower field. I tried to call out to her a few times, but she did not turn her head or respond. She opened her parasol and hid her face with it. But from the corner of my eye, I thought I saw that same sad smile on her face. It was both lovely and lonely.

I sighed to myself, unsure of what to do next.
[ ] "I wonder what Remilia was doing?"
[ ] "I wonder what Sakuya was doing?"
[ ] "I wonder what Patchouli was doing?"

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