Saturday, September 25, 2010

[x] Time for tea.

Koakuma and the Outsider walked down the hallways, chatting happily about today's tea time snacks. Little did they know that they were being watched. A pair of red eyes watched intently as they disappeared down the stairs to the first floor.


When there was no one left, someone walked out of the shadows and sighed to herself. It was a short blue-haired girl in a pink dress and cap. Her bat-like wings drooped slightly as she folded her arms. The girl sighed again and glanced at her left hand. Even through the bandages, she could see that it was still badly burnt and showed no sign of healing.

"Are you alright? That looks quite painful."

Someone else had stepped out into the hallway from a strange purple door. Of course, that door was most certainly not there before.

"You don't look at all surprised," Remilia said. "Did you expect this, Hansel?"

"That was a forbidden move. Of course there would be repercussions. Did you think that you could simply take it back and apologize?"

"I suppose not."

"You should be more careful," said Hansel. "You know as well as I do that the rules of this game aren't to be taken lightly. A single mistake could completely deny the possibility of your existence."


Remilia paused and looked carefully at the grey robed magician. For just that moment, this person seemed very familiar to her. He seemed almost... human.

"But why worry about me? Shouldn't you jump at the opportunity of a swift victory?"

"That would most certainly be easier," he replied. "But I'm afraid to say that a quick win isn't my goal in this round."

"Is that why you didn't capture my piece?"

"I have my reasons."

Remilia watched him closely and tried to read his intentions, but to no avail. His face was perfectly obscured by his hood. By this time, she was almost certain that this was a powerful enchantment to hide his identity.

"Do you have no intention of winning?" she asked.

"From the very start, I already declared how this scenario will end. This is a futile struggle. You have absolutely no chance of attaining victory."

"Then, why hold back? Are you looking down on me, wizard!?"

Hansel shook his head.

"You'll understand the theme of this game soon enough. In the meantime, may I ask you to join me for some tea and biscuits?"

"Tea and biscuits? Is that some kind of joke?"

"Not at all. I've brought another rare blend with me."

"Eh? A rare blend? What kind of tea is it?"

"That's a secret. But I'm sure you'll enjoy this one, as well."

Remilia hesitated for a moment before answering.

"I guess that I'll think about it," she said finally.

And with that, both of them vanished with a shower of red and blue sparkles. The purple door had disappeared as well, leaving no trace of the exchange between the vampire and wizard. A pair of fairy maids walked along the hallway as they gossiped about their newest resident. Neither of them noticed anything strange. After all, this was just another ordinary sunny afternoon in the Scarlet Devil Mansion.

Back downstairs, Remilia Scarlet smiled as she drew her first card.
[ ] Ace of Spades
[ ] Queen of Hearts
[ ] King of Diamonds

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