Sunday, September 5, 2010

Afterward, Remilia returned to the gardens. There was someone seated at the tea table, waving at her. She wasn't surprised.

"Welcome back, Miss Scarlet."

"I was wondering when you would show up."

Hansel was seated at the tea table with a glass of brandy in his hand. He wore thick grey robes, and his face was obscured by a carefully placed hood. His walking stick was leaning on the table. If she hadn't known any better, she might have mistaken him for an ordinary human traveller. The vampire took a seat across the wizard and poured herself a shot.

"Glad to see that Yukari still has excellent taste in rare liquors. And by the way, thanks for earlier."

"For what?"

"You didn't tell her that I was here."

"Oh, that?" said Remilia. "I didn't do anyone any favors. I just told her the truth. After all, I never invited anyone by the name of 'Hansel' to this place."

"Heh, I guess that's true. But regardless of your motives, that was a wise move."


Remilia sighed to herself and took a sip from her glass. Hansel watched her carefully.

"He chose the path that I had warned you about, didn't he..."

"I respect his choice," she said. "And I will stand by it, as well."

"Even if his chance for success is zero percent?"

"That doesn't matter. If it's him, he'll surely find a way to solve this riddle."

"Really, now? Heh heh heh... what an interesting turn of events. So, you're saying that you'll back him up even if there is absolutely no way for him to survive this round?"

"That is correct."

"And why would you do that, Miss Scarlet?"

"Because I believe in him."

Hansel put down his glass and grinned. That grin slowly turned into horrible laughter.

"Ahahahahahahahahahahaha! What a wonderfully tragic turn of events! I never thought that I would step onto the stage so soon!"

He snapped his fingers with glee. Suddenly, the scenery around them warped and twisted in a miasma of shape and color. Remilia shielded her eyes as a bright flash of light filled the place. And when she opened them, she found that they were standing in a field of lush green grass. The cerulean sky above was clear and bright.

"W-what is the meaning of this!?" cried the vampire.

"I am merely explaining to you the truth."


"The chance for your success in this round is zero percent."

"And why is that?"

Hansel smiled nastily. There was no trace of kindness in his eyes.

"Because I am your opponent this round! And I shall guarantee this truth with my own hands!"

"...I see. I should have known..."

Remilia Scarlet grinned back. Her eyes were filled with fire and malice.

"You will regret those words."

Without warning, the sky behind the vampire was enveloped in darkness. A great red moon slowly rose from the horizon. The territory began to fall under the influence of blood and shadow.

"I hold fate itself in my hands. Cower in fear and prostrate yourself before me, wizard!"

The green grass and blue sky on Hansel's side of this space remained unaffected by the vampire's ability, and he didn't show any sign of retreating. On the contrary, he seemed even more excited to see that his opponent chose to fight.

"I shall unveil the bitter truth behind this world! Prepare yourself, vampire!"

The curtain began to rise, signalling the start of a new tale.
[ ] Nitori Kawashiro, the Super Youkai Warhead
[ ] Alice Margatroid, the Seven-Colored Puppeteer
[ ] Yuuka Kazami, the Flower Master of Four Seasons

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