Saturday, September 25, 2010

[x] Queen of Hearts

I had two cards in my hand - the Ace of Spades and the Jack of Clubs. If this were an ordinary game of Poker, I would most certainly be in a favorable position. But as my dwindling pile of chips reminded me, this was no ordinary game. I reluctantly called Remilia's raise.

"How disappointing," said the vampire. "Have you decided to play more cautiously now?"

"Not exactly," I replied with a vague wave.

"I wonder if he's figured out the true odds yet? Ehehe~"

"Koakuma, another cup of tea please."

After taking a sip, Patchouli began to shuffle the remaining cards. She sat to my left with a calm, unreadable expression on her face. A neat stack of chips lay beside her. Despite having played a number of games, her stack hardly seemed to grow or shrink.

"She's quite good, you know," said Remilia, who had noticed my gaze. "Don't underestimate her tight play. She often outlasts everyone on the table."

The elder vampire sat across me, to the left of Patchouli. She wore a confident smile on her face as she watched me. Her stack of chips was noticeable taller than that of the magician. I didn't think that she was cheating, but her previous plays had been much more bold.

"Be careful now," said Flandre. "A few more weak plays and you'll be eaten alive, ehehe~"

The little sister sat on my right, taking the seat of the fourth and last player. She had a pleasantly bright smile as she nibbled on a sweet biscuit. But I wasn't fooled by that carefree appearance. Flandre's stack of chips was the tallest among us all. And she didn't seem at all surprised.

"The flop," said Patchouli.

She dealt the first three community cards face up. From left to right, the cards were - Ten of Clubs, Ace of Diamonds, King of Spades. At first glance, they were all unusually high cards. But I wasn't fooled. We were playing a variation of Poker called "Royal Hold'em", which was played with only 20 cards - tens, jacks, queens, kings and aces. Needlessly to say, I was struggling to revise my strategy. And it hadn't been working out very well.

Remilia chuckled to herself before taking some chips from her stack and pushing them to the center.

"Raise," she said firmly.

It was Flandre's turn next. The younger sister stared at the table for some time before making an unexpected move.

"I fold."

She threw her own hand carelessly on the table, revealing the King of Hearts and the Queen of Spades. Then, she glanced at Remilia. The elder sister's smile did not waver. But for some reason, I felt that it was a bit forced.


It was my turn next. I paused for a moment to think carefully.
[ ] Call
[ ] Fold
[ ] Raise
[ ] Go All-In

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