Thursday, September 23, 2010

"... are you alright?"

It was a familiar voice. I opened my eyes slowly, as if awakening from a deep slumber.

"Ugh... my head hurts," I said aloud.

And that it did. These headaches come and go every once in a while. I even got some medicine from the village for it. But it wasn't that serious. As long as I didn't forget to take those pills, I didn't have to worry about these annoying headaches. Ah, that's right. I must forgotten to take the medicine today. How careless.

"Your face is pale. Do you want to rest in your room for a while?"

"I'll be fine, Koakuma. My head is already starting to clear up."

I rubbed my temple for a moment as I looked around. We were standing inside one of the storerooms at the second floor. I don't really remember what happened, but I guess I passed out earlier.

"Are you sure?" said Koakuma. "Why not have Miss Patchouli examine you for injuries?"

"Forget about it. If I'm late for Remilia's game, I'll never hear the end of it."

That was right. I quickly checked my pockets. Ah, there it was! I pulled out a small deck of playing cards. The vampire had asked me to find one from the storeroom earlier. Today's weather was pleasantly sunny, so she had decided to spend it indoors. Needlessly to say, I was invited to join her for cards and tea this afternoon.

"... ugh..."

There it was again, but much more faint this time. A subtle ache in my head. Eh? For some reason, I felt like I forgot something. I turned to Koakuma.

"Forgive me for asking, but did I do anything strange this morning?"

"Strange?" she repeated. "You were with Miss Patchouli and I at the library. I don't recall anything unusual, though."

"Is that so? Well, it might just be my imagination, then."

I shrugged to myself as we left the storeroom. But for some reason...
[ ] Time for tea.
[ ] Just forget about it.

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