Wednesday, September 8, 2010

[x] The radiance of the sun

As soon as Yuuka finished casting, the area was filled with a shower of colorful flowers. I watched in awe at this beautiful new magic. Or at least I did, until one of them grazed me. The flower projectile sliced right through my shirt and skin painfully. I cried out as it left a deep cut on my shoulder.


It was then that I realized that she just used a dangerous offensive spell card. If even one of those things hit me, then I'll end up dead for sure. Each one of those little flowers was as dangerous as it was beautiful. Just like this green-haired girl in front of me.

"D-damn it! That really hurt!"

"Come now," said Yuuka. "A little cut never hurt anyone."

"Yeah. But a lot could kill me!"

Yuuka smiled cheerfully. I saw no remorse in her eyes, just a vague expression of mild interest. For some reason, I started to doubt if this person was like any of the other magicians I've met. In fact, I started to doubt if she was human at all.

She started moving forward leisurely as she sent dozens more of her flowers in my direction. Her attacks steadily kept on getting stronger and more difficult to avoid. The air grew thick with her deadly offensive, and I began to ran out of space to dodge. This was really bad. If I didn't do anything now, those little flowers would slice me up into a hundred and one pieces.

I cursed to myself as I searched through my mind for a way to escape. But I was reaching my limit just flying around to dodge her flowers. It was like standing in a minefield. There were so many of them around me that any wrong move would mean certain death. Did she really not feel anything as she attacked me like this?

"How very disappointing," said Yuuka.

When I glanced at her, I realized with horror that her smile was starting to fade.

"You seemed different. Like a thorny rose bush."


"But I guess you were too ordinary, after all. Just like all the other weeds."

"W-wait! Don't just -"

"Good bye, human."

She raised her arm toward me and gave one last bored look. Then, a single giant-sized flower appeared out of nowhere and began flying straight toward my chest. There was no way I could dodge this attack. I closed my eyes with resignation. This was the end. I was going to be slaughtered like an animal right above this beautiful sunflower field. Well, at least my remains would fertilize this place a little. Guess I just ran out of luck. Too bad for me. I didn't even get a chance to tell Patchouli that I...


That was right. I still hadn't told her. I couldn't let myself die here! As my last act of desperation, I focused all of my magical energy into the first spell that came to mind.

"Sun Sign, 「Royal Flare」"

Everything turned white. An old memory flashed in my mind. Patchouli had caught Marisa in the act of 'borrowing' from the Voile library. The black-white didn't yet realize that she was spotted, and she eagerly continued grabbing books. Without a word, Patchouli walked right up to her and cast this spell at point-blank range. I was completely awestruck at the raw power she displayed. And it was then that I asked if she could start teaching me magic.

I slowly opened my eyes. The sky was now clear and free of those deadly flowers. And as for that dangerous Kazami girl, she was still floating listlessly in front of me. Despite her numerous burns, she managed to smile weakly.

"You've grown up... quite a bit."

And with those last words, she closed her eyes and began falling toward the ground.
[ ] Catch her.
[ ] Watch her fall.
[ ] Leave this place.

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