Monday, August 2, 2010

[x] Sit beside Patchouli, on the left.

After everyone was finished eating, Flandre suddenly clapped her hands together.

"That was a wonderful meal! Indeed, it was all very good! The staff has done an excellent job, considering the circumstances. You are as reliable as ever, Sakuya."

"It was no trouble," said the chief maid. "My only regret is that Lady Remilia was unable to join us."

"Yes, that was quite unfortunate. So in her stead, shall I begin the game?"

The vampire was smiling, but I sensed something slightly unpleasant.

"What game are you talking about?" I asked.


Flandre licked her lips and grinned even wider. And suddenly, she stood up and slammed her hands hard upon the table. The sound echoed loudly along the library.

"I hereby begin this assembly with my opening statement," said the vampire. "The culprit behind the murders is currently among those seated in this table."

A moment of silence and dead air. I was not surprised at all that the vampire already knew about the incident. Even if no one told her, she probably figured it all out from the movements around her. But to make such a bold accusation within just a few hours of the incident was unthinkable. There weren't yet enough clues to form such a conclusion!

"Presentation of evidence, if you please."

The little sister held her hand out toward me.

"H-huh? What are you talking about?"

"The letter that was found earlier. It was addressed to you, was it not?"

Did she already start an investigation beforehand? But even so, I had no idea what Flandre was planning. I frowned a bit as I pulled out the letter from my pocket and passed it to her. She took only a few moments to read it all.

"This was the so-called letter from the 'Watchmaker'? It's just as I expected! Ehehehe~"

"S-so it really was from the Watchmaker?" asked Koakuma.

"Of course not! Obvious forgery is obvious. Isn't that right, Patchouli~"

The magician nodded carefully.

"The handwriting and style are both slightly different."

"Exactly!" cried Flandre. "But that's not all. Just from this letter and the information I have gathered from the incident, another level of reasoning can be reached."

"Another level of reasoning?" repeated Sakuya.

The little sister folded the letter and returned it to me. Then, she sighed to herself.

"The answer is quite boring though. Isn't that right, Meiling?"


"You are the culprit. And a careless one, at that."

The gateguard jumped a bit. From the empty look on her face, she was the most clueless person among everyone here. Poor girl probably didn't follow the conversation until this point.


Wait, what? Meiling was the culprit!?
[ ] Agree with Flandre's theory.
[ ] Challenge Flandre's theory. (Specify)
[ ] Keep silent on the matter.

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