Thursday, August 19, 2010

[x] A shopping trip at the village.

I stood before this antique shop once again. There wasn't anything particularly unique or elegant about this place. It was one of many establishments along the main road of the Human Village. But ever since I first noticed it, I found myself passing by whenever I had the chance.

There were a number of items on display, but only one really caught my eye - a small hand mirror. It lay between an intricately designed music box and a strangely tinted pair of eye glasses. I felt a strong sense of nostalgia whenever I took a look. But for some reason, I could never bring myself to go inside and buy it. After all, it didn't really fit the image of the position I held.

"Ah, isn't that Sakuya?"

I couldn't help but sigh when I heard his voice. And sure enough, he was already running toward me when I turned.

"What were you looking at?" he said as he glanced behind me. "Find anything interesting?"

"I-It's nothing special, really. Just looking around..."

"Is that so?"


He raised an eyebrow, as if expecting more. I didn't say anything in response, so he just shrugged and changed the subject.

"Anyway, have you heard about the new cake shop that just opened?"

"Cake shop?"

"Yep. I heard that they have a number of fancy cakes and pastries. They even serve their own unique blends of tea."

"I see."

Interesting. I wonder if they had anything that Mistress Remilia would like? She did have a taste for European sweets, and it wasn't easy finding the ingredients.

"So then," he said. "Would you like to check it out with me?"

"Eh? What are you talking about?"

"The cake shop, I mean."

I stared blankly at him for a few seconds. He started to laugh uneasily.

"Ahahaha... well. Just forget about what I said. You're probably too busy, I guess."

And with that, he went off and left me before I could say anything. I frowned as I watched him disappear into the crowd. Well, it wasn't like I was really that interested, anyway. I still had some things to buy in the village before I could head back to the mansion. I really didn't have the time for such carefree activities.


The trip home felt lonelier than usual, as I had to stay longer in the village. But when I passed by the kitchen, I was in for an unexpected surprise. There was a small box waiting for me. It had a small card with my name on it, and inside was a cute little chocolate cake. Very slowly, I started to smile.

"... that idiot."

After that day, I was quite certain of one thing - our newest resident really was an idiot.


Today was no exception. I opened my eyes slowly to see a pair of idiots worry over me. Seemed like I had passed out earlier. The gate guard cushioned my head comfortably with her lap, while the other one glanced at me from time to time.

"M-Miss Sakuya? Are you alright?"

"Don't worry. I'm sure she'll be ready to attack us again after she rests. Right, Sakuya?"

I quickly got up and brushed the dust off my clothes. Then, I gave them both a small smile.

"... maybe next time."

For some reason, my head seemed to have cleared up a little.
[ ] I have to take them to safety.
[ ] I have to lead the way forward.

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