Tuesday, August 17, 2010

[x] Break the silence.

For just a moment, no one spoke. The two who stood before me showed no sign of retreating. I sighed sadly. It was a small chance, but I had hoped that they would pull back after I had stepped in. I even took care to avoid their vital organs. But instead, my plan had backfired. Here they were, fighting back with a power I've never seen. The head maid of the Scarlet Devil Mansion was being forced back by a gate guard and an ordinary human.

Heh, what an embarrassing sight this must be. That silly girl actually managed to seal my powers. All I had left now was my speed and my skill with the knife. In this situation, she would most certainly defeat me. So then, shouldn't I just give up and tell them the truth?


No. This was my last chance to stop them. If I didn't force them back now, then even that last ray of hope would be lost. It was already too late for me. Even now, I could feel that subtle poison spread through my veins. Soon, I would lose even the will to finish this task.

I focused the last bit of my power into the knife in my hand. It shone with a bright silver light against the faint golden hue of the gate guard's barrier. This was my last trick and my final trump card. Without any doubt, this move would drive these stupid fools out of the mansion. And perhaps, they might just be saved.

Yes, if I could somehow manage that, then perhaps I might finally be forgiven.

"Have you said your prayers? Your final goodbyes? If not, then this might be your last chance."


With the most wicked smile I could muster, I glared at them with cold eyes.

"Then, this is the end. Goodbye, you fools..."

With that, I tightened my grip on the knife that now held my last trick.

"Wait. Before we start, let me ask you a question, Sakuya."

Just as I was about to rush forward, that inconsiderate man made a ridiculous request.


"You mentioned something odd earlier. That you were acting on the orders of the Master of this house."

I nodded slowly, not understanding where he was going with this.

"But that's strange. Haven't you always called Remilia, 'Mistress'?"

"... huh?"

My eyes widened in surprise. And suddenly, old memories began to flash in my head. Preparing Mistress' tea. Cleaning Mistress' room. Brushing Mistress' hair. Fighting off intruders while Mistress watched. Accompanying Mistress to the shrine. Investigating incidents together with Mistress. Preparing Mistress' extravagant parties. Standing beside Mistress during lazy afternoons...

How could this crude, obnoxious idiot notice something like that?

I turned toward him, and looked deep into his eyes. He did not have any aura of magic about him, nor did I sense any unusual spiritual power. Yet, there was something very familiar about the way he looked back at me. My head ached painfully as I tried to remember. Yet I withstood the pain because I was sure that there was something that I needed to remember. And for just a moment, something flashed in my mind.

"... no way."

Was there really such an impossible memory?
[ ] Tea and biscuits for two.
[ ] A shopping trip at the village.
[ ] Spring cleaning at the mansion.

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