Saturday, August 7, 2010

[x] Head down to the dungeon.

Outside, the clouds had become dark. The wind had been growing stronger since this morning. Heavy rain drops beat loudly against the mansion windows. This place was now engulfed within a great storm. And with this kind of weather, visitors wouldn't be coming for a while. The crashing thunder gave a bad feeling - that somehow, this place was now sealed from the outside world. No longer would anyone be able to leave this mansion. And no longer would anyone reach this place. Unless that person was blessed with a miracle.

I ran as quickly as I could, not stopping for anything. And before I knew it, I found myself before the dimly lit staircase that led down to the dungeon. It was hidden in an alcove, and if Flandre hadn't pointed it out to me earlier, I surely would have missed it. I paused for a moment to ensure that my rifle was loaded. Then, I made my way down the staircase.

"Damn it all," I muttered.

There was no one at the dungeon entrance. No guards were in sight, not even the two fairy maids who I met earlier. Did everyone return to the library? That didn't feel right. If they truly did suspect Meiling of any wrongdoing, then they couldn't just leave her here without supervision. I swallowed nervously as I stepped inside, alone.

Several minutes later, I was still wandering around the vast dungeon. This place was deep underground, so the sounds of rain and wind had been replaced with an eerie silence. There was no sign of Flandre, Sakuya, or any of the fairy staff. I had not met a single soul down here. Not until I heard it.


The sound was faint, and I had almost missed it, had I not paused to catch my breath. With my gun in hand, I approached the source of the noise. There was nothing otherworldly or feral about it. In fact, I had a suspicion to who it was. And I was right.

"Uwaa... hic..."

Seated alone inside one of the cells was the mansion gateguard. I paused for a moment, and cautiously watched her. The poor girl sobbed quietly to herself in the darkness. There was no hatred or anger in her eyes. Just confusion, fear... and loneliness. She was no different from a misunderstood child, who had been accused of something she didn't do.

I tapped the bars of her cell lightly with my fingers. Her reaction was late, and she stared at me, dumbfounded. It almost felt like I had woken her while she was napping by the front gate. Very slowly, she mouthed my name. As if she was uncertain that I was really here.


My name? What was it, again? For some reason, it sounded like it had been ages since someone called me by my name.

An old memory flashed in my mind. Remilia led me out to the front gate, while Sakuya followed beside her with a parasol. It was a bright and sunny day, then. A girl clad in a green uniform bowed to us nervously as we approached.

"This is the front gate," said the vampire. "Visitors often come through here."

"A-ah! Lady Remilia! W-w-what brings you out here?"

"I see, and this person here?"

"That one is the gateguard," she said. "Now if you follow me here -"

"Ah, wait a second."

Without any shame, I nodded toward the girl in green.

"What is her name?"

Remilia stopped in her tracks and turned around, astonished.

"Her name? You mean the gate guard? Well, that is -"

The vampire paused for a moment, uncertain of how to answer. When Sakuya noticed, she cleared her throat and motioned for the other girl to introduce herself. The gate guard blushed furiously as she turned to me and spoke.

"Hong Meiling," she said with a bow. "N-nice to meet you!"

I returned her bow and spoke.

"Nice to meet you, too. My name is..."

Yes. That was right. She told me her name, and I told her mine. And with that, we acknowledged each other's existence. That day, we accepted each other as fellow travellers along this often lonely path. And even if the world ended this day, nothing would change that.

I blinked as I returned to the present. But I did not hesitate this time. Not when the truth was right in front of me.

"I'm breaking you out of here," I said.

I knew then, even without proof, that Meiling was innocent.
[ ] Search the area for the keys.
[ ] Blast the lock open with the rifle.
[ ] Carefully melt the lock away with fire.

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