Saturday, August 21, 2010

[x] I have to lead the way forward.

The three of us ran down the final hallway toward the Master's room. We did not encounter any more obstacles as we moved. In a couple of minutes, we would reach our final destination.

"This way!" said Sakuya. "We don't have much time!"

"Where are we headed?" I asked.

"To the source of this tragedy," she said.

"You don't mean, the Mistress'..." said Meiling.

The chief maid nodded to her as she spoke.

"I've decided to stop running. We'll face her together, the three of us, and end this."

"This won't end without more bloodshed, will it?" said I.

"This fate has already been written. All we can do now is fight so that no more innocents are killed. Then perhaps, maybe I can..."

Suddenly, Sakuya stopped in her tracks. It only took a moment for Meiling and I to realize the reason. We had finally reached the end of the hallway. However, another hindrance had appeared. The door to the Master's room was completely encased within a wall of ice. The frozen barrier was easily several feet thick.

"How in the hell?" I muttered aloud. "What's going on here?"


The chief maid raised her hand and motioned for us to wait. Then, she pulled out a knife from her dress and threw it at the frozen barrier. Meiling and I gasped in surprise as the knife suddenly stopped in mid-air a few feet from the icy wall. The knife had suddenly been encased in ice, and when it finally fell to the ground, it shattered into pieces.

"Such a powerful barrier," said Meiling. "But cold manipulation shouldn't be enough to cause an effect of this level."

"... no, it shouldn't." said Sakuya.

"How are we to get through? Is there something we can use to pass through safely?"


I realized that Meiling was looking at me. And then, I remembered what she mentioned earlier. Yes, that was right. I just happened to be carrying something that could be of use here. After a moment, I successfully fished out the crystal vial from my pocket.

"You mean, this thing?"

Meiling nodded solemnly. And the moment Sakuya saw it, her eyes widened in surprise. Then, she narrowed them with suspicion.

"Where... did you get that?" she asked.

"Sorry, I don't really remember. But is this really the time for an interrogation?"


Sakuya sighed, but she didn't say anything more. With the glowing vial in my hand, I stepped closer toward the wall. I had to be careful. If I got too close, I would probably end up as a human popsicle. But either way, we had to break this barrier apart if we were to go through. And if that was the case, then I had only one option...


With a loud cry, I tossed the vial with all of my strength. For a moment, it felt like time had slowed down. All three of us watched in anticipation as the vial flew toward the frozen barrier. We watched as it reached the ice unhindered, and shattered to release its contents. The effect was instantaneous. We shielded our eyes as the unhindered power of fire was released upon the wall of ice. And when the bright flash of light had dimmed, we saw a great flame dancing all over the end of the hallway. The dangerous barrier of frost was easily reduced to steam as we watched. It almost felt as if the legendary phoenix itself had lent its power to crush this final obstacle. And as the steam cleared, we saw that the door to the Master's room was now within reach.

"Was that all our opponents could muster?" I said. "He he he... I almost feel sorry for them. They will learn first hand of what happens to those who oppose the Scarlet. Right, everyone?"

"I feel no joy from inflicting harm on others," said Meiling "But this is also my duty, and I will not back down."


No response from the chief maid. Puzzled, Meiling and I turned around. Sakuya was standing behind us, clutching at her chest. Eh? Was she hesitating? That wasn't like her, at all. I laughed a bit as I approached her with a smile.

"Don't be nervous, Sakuya. I see that even you have a human side to you, so maybe -"

I stopped mid-sentence when I noticed it. My eyes widened in horror, and my throat immediately went dry. An alarming amount of blood began to seep right through Sakuya's maid uniform. It seemed to be coming from a wound from her chest. Then, without any warning, she just collapsed.

[ ] I see no evil.
[ ] I hear no evil.
[ ] I speak no evil.

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