Friday, August 27, 2010

[x] Remilia

Flandre looked at me carefully. Her expression was completely neutral, and I couldn't tell what she was thinking. Then, she nodded to herself and sighed, as if she had expected this answer.

"Very well, then." she said.

The vampire snapped her fingers loudly. At that signal, the shadow tendrils loosened their hold on Meiling and retreated back into the darkness. She bent down and coughed violently. I quickly ran up to her so that I could help her up.

"Are you alright?" I cried. "Can you stand up?"

"I think... (cough).. I'll be alright.. (cough).. in a bit."


Meiling took her gaze away from me and turned to Flandre. Neither of them said anything as their eyes met. Yet, they seemed to arrive at some sort of understanding. Very slowly, the gate guard nodded.

"I see. There is no other way, is there?" she said.

"I'm sorry, Meiling," whispered the vampire.

"Don't worry about it. But can I have a minute?"

Then, Meiling turned to me and gave the gentlest of smiles.

"Listen carefully," she said. "As this is the last clue that I can give you."

"Last clue?" I repeated. "What are you talking about?"

Without warning, she gave me a tight embrace and whispered something unexpected. My eyes widened in shock.

"Eh? B-but that is -"

"It's time,"
said the vampire.

Meiling reluctantly pulled herself away and turned back to Flandre. She walked a few steps forward, stopped, and nodded.

"I am ready," she said.

"Thank you for coming this far..." said the vampire.

"Thank you for going this far..." said Meiling.

"And... goodbye..."

Flandre raised her hand and grasped at something that only she could see. There was no flash of light, nor was there any loud noise. But in that moment, I sensed that something had changed. And a few seconds later, the gate guard collapsed to the ground.

"Meiling? Meiling!? Meiling!!"

I quickly ran up to her, but it was too late. There was no wound, nor was there any sign of suffering. She lay there quietly, as if she was just asleep. But she had completely stopped breathing, and she had no heartbeat or pulse. I shook her and called out to her again and again, but it was useless. All my efforts were useless.

"And Then There Were None..." said Flandre. "The ceremony is finally complete. With this, an impossible wish shall be granted with absolute certainty."

"Ceremony? You killed everyone for some... CEREMONY!? For some... WISH!?"

Flandre gave me the sweetest smile and nodded.

"Apart from a miracle, this was the only way..."

"Only way!?" I cried. "Only way for what!?"

"To reach this ending..."

The vampire took a few steps closer. And then, she said the most unbelievable thing to me. I stood in shock for several seconds, and I had to ask her to repeat it again, just to make sure.

"W-what did you just say!?"

Flandre Scarlet gave me the brightest of smiles.

"I love you."

[ ] Hate her
[ ] Don't hate her

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