Friday, April 30, 2010

"It's been a while since you've visited. I was wondering if you had already forgotten me?"

I took a sip of tea. Keine always knew how to brew good tea. I took a moment to savor the taste in my mouth. Back at the mansion, I often had only western blends.

"Your tea is great as usual," I said.

"I didn't think that an 'Outsider' could adapt to Gensokyo life so quickly. It's amazing that you were accepted at the vampires' home. I would have expected you to be a corpse drained of blood, by now."

"Not like they never tried it," I said with a smile. The tea was a little less bitter this afternoon. "It's an interesting change of pace, but humans are surprisingly adaptable. As long as they don't die, they somehow get used to even the strangest of circumstances."

"Enjoying yourself, aren't you?"

"Let's keep it back at interesting."

We looked at each other for a few moments before bursting into laughter. Keine was a good friend to almost anyone who sought her. She was always willing to listen and give advice. It was no surprise that she was among the first who I really trusted when I first arrived in Gensokyo. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that it was much thanks to her that I was still alive.

"How are your headaches?" she asked. "Do you still have trouble sleeping?"

I shook my head.

"I feel fine now. Stopped taking the medicine a couple of weeks ago."

At those words, Keine put down her cup and gave me a serious look.

"Are you sure you're alright now?"

"Don't worry about it. You were right. It was probably caused by all that stress from before."

"Well, if you feel strange again, don't forget that you can always talk to me about it."

I stayed with her for a while, chatting about this and that. The kids were already dismissed from school, so we had the place all to ourselves. Somehow, we've become close friends. Well, close friends in a strictly 'friends' way, at least. For some reason I couldn't place, we never really moved towards a romantic relationship. But that was fine. Sometimes, one just needed a person to talk to. Someone who wasn't too close to home.

Speaking of home, I was starting to lose track of time again. This happens only rarely nowadays, so I was surprised. When I glanced out the window, it was already late afternoon. The sun was starting to set. I quickly apologized and bid her goodbye. She just gave me a little wave and her usual, "Come visit again sometime."

I stepped out and stared at the reddish-orange sky. At this rate, I'll probably get back at the mansion...

[ ] Before dinner.
[ ] During dinner.
[ ] After dinner.
[x] Walk around the village.

"Eh, you still have some business in the village?"

"Not really, no. But I do feel like stretching my legs once in a while."

"Hmm," said Sakuya. "Well then, be sure to get back by dark. If you come home late, your dinner will get cold."

"Eh?" I replied, surprised. She usually wasn't the type to let me wander around freely. I raised an eyebrow at her. She just folded her arms and slightly averted her eyes.

"After all that's happened," she said, lowering her voice. "I just thought that you should enjoy yourself once in a while."

Enjoy myself? Now that's new. Hmm...

"And if I said that I'd enjoy some time in the village together with you?"

Sakuya stared back, poker-faced. She was clearly on guard now, and I couldn't tell what she was thinking. I stood my ground and waited. A minute passed before she relaxed and turned back to the path.

"I need to get back to the mansion," she said. "There are certain arrangements that I can't postpone."

I sighed. Well, it wasn't like I didn't expect this kind of answer from the chief maid. What I didn't expect was what she said as she started walking away.

"Perhaps," whispered Sakuya. "Perhaps another time."
[x] A music box.

"Ah! This is.. a music box?"

Sakuya scrutinized the gift closely. Her face had a far more serious expression than I had expected. She opened and closed it a few times, listening carefully to the melody. I found myself swallowing from nervousness.

"Is something wrong?" I asked her.

"This design," she said without looking back. "I've seen this before. Didn't the little mistress own something like -"

She turned to me, frowning. I found myself taking a step back. Was I going to go under interrogation? This just didn't seem fair. Not at all. But after all we had been through in the past, my body was already preparing itself for the punishment. Her eyes widened.


I closed my eyes tight. Was she going to pin me to a tree with her knives? Or perhaps, she was going to shred my shirt and pants to pieces and force me to walk through the village naked? Well, the last time this happened, she only dragged me to the Forest of Magic and left me to die. Looking back, she really was starting to show restraint.

"Please don't misunderstand! I do appreciate the present. Thank you very much."

Huh? I opened my eyes to see her bowing before me. For a split second, I had a very interesting view of her chest. My lips broke into a small smile. I quickly burned the image into my retinas before she stood up straight.

"Don't mention it," I managed. "I thought for a second that you didn't like it. I guess I really don't know how to pick out gifts."

She shook her head vigorously.

"I'll treasure this!" cried Sakuya.

Her voice was surprisingly loud, and a few of the villagers turned their heads in our direction. I laughed uneasily. Realizing herself, she quickly cleared her throat and looked away.

"I'll treasure this," she whispered. "Always."

[ ] Visit the lake.
[ ] Walk around the village.
[ ] Head back to the mansion.


"A gift? For me?"

I smiled gently at Sakuya. Her cheeks grew red as she looked up at me, then at the gift, and then back again. The chief maid just stared in surprise. I couldn't help but feel myself blush a little at this fresh look.

"I thought you might like it," I said to her. "It thought that it was something that matched your style, and it was the only one left in stock."

"May I?" whispered Sakuya.

"Go ahead. Open it."

Very carefully, she tore off the wrapping paper, revealing a small wooden box. She took a moment to examine it, but the container was unmarked. Sakuya looked up at me, completely puzzled. Then, she opened the box.

"Ah! This is..."

[ ] A music box.
[ ] A hand mirror.
[ ] A litte red hood.
[ ] A handful of coins.
[ ] A pair of eye glasses.